Stories about Food from May, 2010
Vietnam: Eating “Op la” in Saigon
Eating Asia blogs about Saigon's op la dish (fried eggs cooked with various sausages).
Trinidad & Tobago: Indian Arrival Day
“Indian Arrival Day, celebrated on 30th May, commemorates the arrival of the first Indian Indentured labourers from India to Trinidad, in May 1845, on the ship Fatel Razack”: will...
USA: Hemp History Week, Saving Plant and Planet
In tough economic times, why would anyone ban industrial farming of a highly profitable and useful plant that requires almost no pesticides?
Haiti: Burning Seeds
Haitian farmers react to news of hybrid seed flooding the country – Repeating Islands links to a comprehensive report.
Trinidad & Tobago: Hurry Curry!
“Roti. Four little letters that have the power to put any Trini into a smile-infused stupor”: blogs about the seemingly infinite variations on this popular dish.
Jamaica: 10 Things about Calabash
Tallawah blogs about “10 random things about the Calabash [International Literary Festival] experience” that he looks forward to each year.
Mexico: The Popularity of Local Wines
Lesley Téllez of the Mija Chronicles blogs about the increasing popularity of Mexican wine with more and more producers entering this market.
Secrets of a Chinese Restaurant
PH from Veggie discourse translates a post at MOP written by a Cook about how in general food is prepared in Chinese restaurant.
Djibouti: Food insecurity in Djibouti
A blogger based in Djibouti writes about food insecurity in the country: “Food instability is about to hit Djibouti. The rainy season ends in a month and there hasn’t been...
Guadeloupe, Martinique, French Guiana: Nestlé Going Local
Blogger Anba pyé mango-la [Fr/Fr Cr] is sharing skeptical opinions about the new moves of multinational food company Nestlé towards the adaptation of local products and recipes from the French...
The Republic of Niger ain't sexy enough for headlines
Is Niger making headlines following reports of food crisis in the country? One blogger, Global Nomad, does not think so. He writes, “Niger isn’t in the headlines. It’s barely ever been in the headlines.” Why? He says, "It just ain't sexy."
Lebanon: Disabled Access
Joeysbox praises a new restaurant that has caught his eye: Ice Beirut, one of the first premier restaurants in Lebanon with full disabled access.
Japan: Vegetarian Festival
Martin Frid from Kurashi blogs about the upcoming vegetarian festival in Kyoto on 2 of May.
Importance of chile in Lao cuisine
Rambling Spoon writes about the importance of using chile in every Lao meal.