Stories about Food from November, 2013
Japan's Independent Tofu Makers Are Rapidly Disappearing
Japan's traditional tofu makers, trying to compete with low supermarket prices, are on the verge of extinction.
VIDEO: “They work to die”, Mystery Disease Killing Central American Sugarcane Workers
Workers who cut sugarcane and other crops in the coastal lowlands of Central America are being hit by a mysterious disease: From Panama to southern Mexico, laborers are coming down...
Pakistan's IMF Bailout Brings Painful Rise in Inflation
As Pakistan attempts to keep the International Monetary Fund happy by slashing subsidies, hiking power tariffs and increasing revenue, inflation has grown sharply, severely impacting ordinary citizens.
Unemployment, Poverty and Brain Drain: Italy's Crisis Deepens
More than 4.1 million poverty-stricken Italians have received food through non-profit food parcels or free meals.
Rising Indonesian Economy Must Address Food Security Issue
John McCarthy and Zahari Zen urge the Indonesian government to implement ‘transformative policies’ to solve hunger and food insecurity in the country: The food produced is too expensive, leaving poor...
Global Demand for Quinoa Takes Toll on Andean Farmers and Consumers
Peru and Bolivia can't produce enough supply to satisfy global demand for quinoa, which is causing problems in the local market and affecting locals who used to consume it regularly.