· June, 2011

Stories about Food from June, 2011

Mozambique: The Controversial Basket Against Poverty

  24 June 2011

In Mozambique, one of the measures proposed by the Government to mitigate the impact of the increases in the cost of living for Mozambicans has generated controversy with citizens. In spite of all expectations, the Basic Needs Basket Subsidy “abortion" was pronounced on June 16.

Guyana, Bermuda: Food & Graffiti

  21 June 2011

Guyana-Gyal suggests a way to help control rising food prices, while a bermudian's view suggests that the best way to deal with graffiti is to “have [it] removed within 24...

Thailand: GMO-free Thai rice

  4 June 2011

As Thailand celebrates Rice and Farmers’ week, Natwipha Ewasakul writes about the “little known and un-publicized Thai agricultural policy that protects Thai rice from the risks of genetically-modified organisms.”

Cuba: Hunger Strike for “The Student”

  4 June 2011

Uncommon Sense reports that Guillermo Farinas has begun his 24th hunger strike against the Cuban government, this time “demanding…an independent, international investigation of the police beating death last month of...