Stories about Food from June, 2011
China: Recycling sewage oil
A video showing how industrial and sewage oil is recycled in a dirty workshop in China. (via Sina Video Weibo)
El Salvador: Food Security, a Historical and Ongoing Struggle
Voices From El Salvador has posted a two part post on “El Salvador's ongoing struggle with food security.” Part 1 provides a historical background, as well a review of current...
Libya: Photographs from Rich, Vibrant and Historic Times
British-Libyan surgeon and humanitarian who writes under the pen name Amal Al-Leebi went nostalgic and published some old pictures from previous visits to Libya on his Twitter account, @libyansrevolt to show the Libya he remembers.
Guatemala: What can you eat with one dollar?
In Central American Politics, Mike posts a video where Francisco Fion of the World Food Program explains that about half of the population of Guatemala lives in poverty with 7...
Mozambique: The Controversial Basket Against Poverty
In Mozambique, one of the measures proposed by the Government to mitigate the impact of the increases in the cost of living for Mozambicans has generated controversy with citizens. In spite of all expectations, the Basic Needs Basket Subsidy “abortion" was pronounced on June 16.
Peru: Beyond Politics: ‘Chelita’, Chicharrón and Chess
There is a lot more going on in Peru besides elections. The death of a beloved actress, and the country's gastronomy and achievements in sports have also been noted in the Peruvian blogosphere.
El Salvador: Price of Corn Triples in a Little Over a Year
El Salvador From the Inside reports on the rising cost of corn, an important and basic staple for Salvadorans: “June 2011 newspapers report a quintal [100 lb bag of corn]...
Guatemala: Families in Quiché Benefit from ‘Maya Food Security Programme’
Mike, in Central American Politics, writes about the Maya Food Security Programme, “an initiative designed to combat chronic malnutrition through the distribution of monthly food rations and the sponsorship of workshops, fairs and street...
Cannibalism In North Korea, Smuggled Documents Reveal
GI Korea from the ROK Drop blog commented on local news report claiming that they have obtained smuggled documents confirming cannibalism in North Korea. Acts of cannibalism have long been...
Guyana, Bermuda: Food & Graffiti
Guyana-Gyal suggests a way to help control rising food prices, while a bermudian's view suggests that the best way to deal with graffiti is to “have [it] removed within 24...
Africa: 10 of Africa’s Best Food Blogs
Here are 10 Africa's best food blogs: “MyWeku makes its inaugural annual picks of the African food blogs we can’t live without. This list comprises 10 of our favourites. Most...
Singapore: Tap water for a fee?
G Hui criticizes Singapore food establishments which charge customers who ask for a tap water.
Argentina: Food Writers, Part II
Buenos Aires Foodies has revisited their list of Argentine food writers, adding links to more blogs –some written in Spanish, others in English– on the subject.
Peru: Congress Approves 10 Year Moratorium for Genetically Modified Seeds
Global Voices author and translator Isabel Guerra, who recently wrote about the debate regarding genetically modified farming in Peru, reports [es] that the Peruvian congress has approved a 10 year...
Chile: A Photo Essay on The Making of Olive Oil
In Cachando Chile, Margaret posts a photo essay which details the steps in the production of Chilean olive oil at the Olave organic olive groves.
Thailand: GMO-free Thai rice
As Thailand celebrates Rice and Farmers’ week, Natwipha Ewasakul writes about the “little known and un-publicized Thai agricultural policy that protects Thai rice from the risks of genetically-modified organisms.”
Cuba: Hunger Strike for “The Student”
Uncommon Sense reports that Guillermo Farinas has begun his 24th hunger strike against the Cuban government, this time “demanding…an independent, international investigation of the police beating death last month of...