Partner with Global Voices

Since 2004, we have worked with an extraordinary network of partners—you could be one of them.

Are you an organization that wants to republish Global Voices stories in accordance with our Creative Commons licencing arrangements? Or do you produce content that you think would be a good fit for our site? Are you interested in tapping into our dynamic Lingua team, which translates stories into dozens of languages?

Types of partnership

Cross-republication: We exchange content and link to each other through our Creative Commons license.

Co-production: Our editors work with your editors or writers to co-produce stories that are published on both sites.

Commissioned work: You commission us to write independent stories on a specific topic, region, or issue.

In addition to editorial partnerships like the ones mentioned above, we partner with like-minded organizations on research, campaigns, events and speaking engagements. For more information about these and other types of partnerships, please contact
Malka Older (malka.older AT globalvoices DOT org) or Georgia Popplewell (georgiap AT globalvoices DOT org).

If you are interested in partnering with Global Voices, please fill out the form below.

Testimonials from some of our partners

We feel the Global Voices partnership with and Public Radio International is ideal. Both organizations care deeply about the world and the stories that other people miss. We’re both interested in grass-roots reporting.

We at PRI find GV content a strong tip sheet for the world, and GV editors and newsletters keep us up to date on the very best stories. We, likewise, offer Global Voices a few of our most original stories for GV distribution each week.

We both find bigger audiences with each other. And the relationship is easy, natural, no drama. What more could you ask for?

Dave Beard and Angilee Shah

When I am reprinting the Netizen Report or another Global Voices piece, I know that it has been well reported, is trustworthy, and most importantly, contains the voices of people from the countries (or country) discussed. When international news with a technology dimension breaks—for instance, the news about the warming U.S.-Cuba relationship—I turn to my friends at Global Voices first, because I know they will offer a different, and vital perspective.

Torie Bosch

It is a pleasure to work with Global Voices! They are efficient, thorough and produce a high-quality work product for an affordable rate. We have been very happy with their work and often recommend them to others who are looking for translation services.

Sarah Kerr

Ensia magazine works with many of today's leading online media outlets, but our partnership with Global Voices has by far been one of the most successful. Thanks to Global Voices, Ensia's stories are reaching tens of thousands of concerned individuals all around the world!

Todd Reubold

Global Voices has helped us reach and communicate with people living in areas affected by conflict, war and natural disaster. Thanks to their efforts, we've been able to engage with communities in refugee camps, urban slums and conflict zones. Cultural sensitivity is key when dealing with different religions, cultures and nationalities. Thanks to their translation efforts and understanding of different cultures, our mobile app and platform is now available in seven languages, and they have helped us become even better at communicating with people who are offline and off the grid. Their passion for social good, couple with their expertise in languages and cultures, is a perfect fit for REFUNITE.


Global Voices se ha tornado un aliado esencial para Infoamazonia porque nos permite difundir articulos a una red mucho mas amplia de lectores. Hemos compartido mapas y contenido en la versión en portugués que luego se han traducido a 8 idiomas. Para nosotros es muy importante tener un socio con alcance global y preocupado por la amazonia.

Global Voices has become an essential ally for Infoamazonia because we can disseminate articles to a much wider network of readers. We have shared maps and content on GV Portuguese, which have then been translated into eight languages. For us it is very important to have a partner with global reach who is worried about the Amazon.
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Gustavo Faleiros

Llevamos años aprendiendo juntos, colaborando en libros y en internet y esperamos seguir para intentar mejorar la información en el mundo que habla español. GV es un gran compañero de viaje. Visibilizando la participación ciudadana y la información global para poner en marcha los nuevos medios de información, en favor de un mundo más plural. Rompiendo las barreras del idioma, de las agendas de los grandes medios, en favor de la democratización de los contenidos para soñar juntos un mundo más participativo de voces globales.

We've spent years learning together, collaborating on books and online, and we hope to continue to try to improve the information available in the Spanish-speaking world. Global Voices is a great travel companion […] breaking down language barriers and mainstream media agendas in order to democratize content so that together we can dream of a more participatory world of global voices.

Paula Gonzalo

LATAM está cambiando desde sus jóvenes, innovadores cívicos y opiniones plurales. GV lleva esas perspectivas, voces y reflexiones desde Latinoamérica al mundo. Para SocialTIC GV es más que un medio aliado, es un espacio que hace resonar a actores de cambio innovadores a lo largo de todo LATAM.

Latin America is changing thanks to its youth, civic innovators and wide range of opinions. GV brings these perspectives, voices and reflections from Latin America to the world. For SocialTIC, GV is more than a media ally; it is a space that elevates innovative agents of change throughout Latin America.

Juan Manuel Casanuevasocial tic