Stories about Egypt from July, 2005
Egypt: Protests against Mubarak nomination
The Arabist Network reports that a large protest against the Mubarak nomination is scheduled for Saturday night.
Egypt: Bad News
Unfortunately, One Arab World has to make the announcement that the candlelight vigil planned for tonight in Cairo has been cancelled. This is because of anticipated protests in reaction to...
Egypt: Vigil this Friday
The Big Pharaoh reminds his readers that a candlelight vigil for the victims of last weekend's bombings is scheduled for Friday in Cairo.
Report from the Jordan Blogger Gathering
Tonight's Jordan Blogger Gathering You never know who'll show up for a bloggers’ gathering. The Jordan blogger meetup – a joint Jordan Planet/Global Voices effort – turned up not only...
Egypt: Banners
Banners promoting are now available, and have started popping up on Egyptian blogs.
Egypt: Blogs and culture
From Cairo, With Love writes about the spectacular growth of the Egyptian blogosphere.
Egypt: Nancy, and others, step up against terror
Abu Aarvark passes on the news that Lebanese pop superstar Nancy Ajram will be holding a charity relief concert at Sharm al-Shaykh in reponse to this weekend's terror attacks there.
One Arab World has announced a time and place for this Friday's candlelight vigil for the victims of the bombings at Sharm el Sheikh.
Karim Elsahy of One Arab World has set up a fundraising effort for the victims of last weekend's bombing attacks at Sharm El sheikh.
Egypt: Reaction to the blasts
From Cairo, with Love asks “wouldn't it be wise to close the tap, from its source, that pours so many terrorists into our laps?”
Egypt: A Moral Stand
Egyptian Person says that “if you are selective in what you call terrorism depending on where it's taking place or who is getting killed, then you are a part of...
Egypt: Mona El Tahawy gets it right!
Rantings of a Sandmonkey says “we are all in this together!”
Egyptian Bloggers Against Terrorism
(Photo from OneArabWorld.) Karim Eslahy has posted a link to photos of Sunday's demonstration against terrorism organized by Egyptian bloggers. We're still trying to confirm how many people attended, but...
Egypt: What the Mubaraks own
The Arabist Network takes a look at what the Mubaraks own. Apparently, they own quite a lot…
Egyptian Bloggers on the Radio
Congratulations to Big Pharaoh and Mohammed of From Cairo With Love for their appearance on NPR today (audio is also archived on the site). NPR correspondent Eric Weiner (who I...
Egypt: Was Iraq the cause of 7/7?
The Big Pharaoh asks if the war in Iraq was the real cause of the London bombings.
Egypt: Al-Qimni Surrenders
The Big Pharaoh writes about an anti-fundamentalist author who caved into death threats and repudiated his writings. Did he do the right thing?
Egypt: Know Your True Enemy
إعرف عدوك الحقيقي
Egyptian Person asks Palestinians if they really know who their real enemies are.
The Arabist Network » Kifaya’s Abdeen Protest Pictures
The Arabist Network has an album of photograhs from Thursday's 500-strong Kifaya protest.
Egyptian Person: There is No Hope
لا يوجد أمل
Egyptian Person is dismayed by the public response to a proposal to let women volunteer for the Army draft.