Stories about Egypt from October, 2006
Arabisc: Sexual Harrassment and the Egyptian Blogosphere
After a month of abstinence (from sex naturally) during daylight hours in the Holy month of Ramadhan, a mob of sex starved Egyptians decided to celebrate Eid by attacking and...
Arabisc: Rebellious Behaviour and the Quest for Intellectuals
With the festive season wrapping up in the Arab world, Egyptian blogger Kareem Amer has decided to ‘come out of the closet’ and drop a bombshell – making some of...
Egypt:Hijab in Australia
The more Shobrawy hear about Australia and their attitude towards Islamic extremism the more he wants to move there. Find out why!
Arabisc: Secret Meetings and Eid Greetings
It's Eid in the Arab world and Arab bloggers are celebrating the end of the Holy Month of Ramadhan with a riot of activity on their blogs. From Libya, Lona...
Arabisc: Protests, Human Rights and Cultural Repression
With labour union elections coming up soon in Egypt, Manal and Ala are reporting about labour strike in Ain Shams University, where salaries were almost halved. على خلفية الصراع الطبقي...
Lebanon: Should Egyptians Monitor Syria Borders?
Rami believes that to monitored the Syrian borders, Egyptians wouldn't be in Lebanon as Sunnis. They'd be there as proud Arabs guaranteeing peace and love between two Arab countries. But...
Egypt: Nuclear Cartoons!
T. Shahin is one smart cartoonist with views about current political issue around the world. See what he has to say about latest news regarding nuclear weapons!
Arabisc: Unemployment, personal attacks and the birth of a new author
Like many parts of the modern world, unemployment is a plague attacking Arab countries. Anonymous blogger Alloush writes about a discovery he made while surfing the world wide web. The...
Arabisc: Ramadan, War, Freedom and Other Issues
With all Muslim countries marking the Holy Month of Ramadan, UAE blogger Bin Kerishan, wonders why people fast. كل العبادات تسبب للانسان الاما و معاناه كالحج و الصلاه و الصيام...