Stories about Libya
From Egypt to Libya, migrant deaths in the Mediterranean are either ignored or normalized
As migrant deaths in the Mediterranean go unreported, local organizations often handle recovery alone, reflecting the region's silent crisis and a system that fails those fleeing hardships.
Opening of shipping routes from Ukraine will not abate commodity and food pressure on the Middle East and North Africa
Despite the opening up of shipping routs for grain exports from Ukraine, persistent challenges from the war will continue to exacerbate pressures on the Middle East and North Africa
Central Asia’s fears of rising militancy in Afghanistan as Moscow invades Ukraine
Since the Taliban takeover in August 2021, the three Central Asian states that border Afghanistan intended to defend their borders through security reinforcement and diplomacy, primarily relying on Russian initiatives.
Libyans express anger over delay to much-awaited presidential vote
Following a decade of turmoil, Libyans were keen to vote for their freely-elected president in hopes it would usher their country back to normalcy. But challenges came in the way.
Syrian migrants fall victims to “human trafficking mafia” in Libyan prisons
'The EU is responsible for Libya’s barbarism directly, or by turning a blind eye to its actions, as armed groups profiting from migrants are funded, and complicity in these crimes go unpunished.'
‘Stop silencing MENA critical voices,’ say activists in open letter to Twitter and Facebook
A decade after uprisings heavily relied on social media to topple dictators across the region, human rights defenders denounce these platforms' discrimination against voices of dissent still fight for freedoms.
COVID-19: Switching online is not an option in conflict-stricken countries in the Middle East
While the internet provides a lifeline in wealthy countries during COVID-19, this is not the case in conflict-stricken countries in the Middle East.
Netizen Report: What role does Facebook play in Libya’s civil war?
The Advox Netizen Report offers an international snapshot of challenges, victories, and emerging trends in Internet rights around the world.
As Italy and Egypt Strengthen Diplomatic Ties, Will Giulio Regeni’s Murder Case See Justice?
Did Italy give up on the quest for Giulio Regeni's killers so Egypt would help Italy block migration to Europe?
‘People Are Getting on Those Boats Because They Want to Live’
The rescue operation Sos Méditerranée publishes accounts of people who have survived journeys across the Mediterranean Sea to Europe on their blog.
The Story of Salim Alaradi, a Canadian National of Libyan Origin Detained in the UAE
Libyan-born Canadian Salim Alaradi has been in a UAE prison for a year, with no charges or access to a lawyer. His 17-year-old daughter is campaigning for his freedom online.
Understanding Copyright in the Arab World
Arab countries should not extend the length of their copyright term without thinking of the consequences that this will have on the ability of society to access knowledge and culture.
Question Time: How Many Jihadists Have Military Backgrounds?
Taking the cue from a Der Spiegel report on the mastermind behind the structure of ISIS, Palestinian blogger Iyad El-Baghdadi tweets: After that Spiegel story about the "mastermind" behind ISIS's...
Libyan Kids Have Been Out of School for Months, so One Woman Is Bringing the Classroom to Them
Haifa El-Zahawi, a Libyan who lives in New York, has given kids in her home country access to education for the first time in months thanks to a Skype connection.
Egypt Bombs ISIS Sites in Libya in Retaliation for the Beheading of 21 Egyptian Copts
"#ISIS will have hoped to provoke #Egypt airstrikes in #Libya - this fits perfectly its vision of escalating conflict & chaos in the region," tweets Doha-based Charles Lister.
Egypt in Mourning Over Brutal Execution of 21 Coptic Christians by ‘ISIS in Libya’
Egyptians mourn the loss of 21 Coptic Christians after Libyan branch of ISIS posts gruesome video of their beheading.
Lovers of the Middle East, Unite!
Two lovers have started collecting 100 love stories from around the Middle East to show the world that the Arab Uprisings brought about unique social change.
‘Coup Today, Gone Tomorrow’ and Other Hilarious #FakeArabProverbs
With the current state of affairs in the Middle East "troubling," Arab Twitter users have launched the satirical #FakeArabProverbs to lighten the mood with a little humor.
A Culinary Tour of Eid al-Adha Dishes Enjoyed Across the Middle East
Muslims mark Eid al-Adha celebrations with a feast. Thalia Rahme brings us some traditional and not so traditional recipes prepared by Muslims across the Middle East on that day.
Libya Vs Iraq: Who Wins in the Explosives Finale?
This bumper sticker (more of a windshield sticker) from Libya says it all. Egyptian Bassem Sabry explains: Humour as coping mechanism RT @ILPADRINO0 "Two more explosions & Libya will qualify...
Five Arab Countries Among Top 10 Corrupt Worldwide
Five Arab countries have been named among the top 10 most corrupt countries, according to Transparency International's newly released annual Corruption Perceptions Index. Egyptian Amro Ali reacts: Congrats Syria, Iraq,...