· December, 2009

Stories about Egypt from December, 2009

Iraq: Arabs, Coffee, and Resistance

  29 December 2009

Iraqi Mojo, connects the dots between calls to boycott Starbucks, calls to resist the Iraqi government, and the size of foreign troops in countries that send the largest number of...

Israel: Dreaming of a Utopic Middle East

  23 December 2009

An Italian born gentile living in Jerusalem, Shiksa's Laura Chiesa dreams of a utopic Middle East. “Call me naive, but I caught myself more than once daydreaming about the time...

Palestine/Gaza: In Preparation for the Gaza Freedom March

  21 December 2009

The start of Gaza Freedom March is just over a week away. It's aim is to show solidarity with Palestinians and raise awareness about the Gaza siege. Katharine Ganly looks at some of the events that have happened in preparation for the march.

Egypt: The Capital of Hell on Earth

  17 December 2009

Many Egyptian bloggers and activists have been detained by State Security on various occasions and for various reasons - real or fake - Wa7da Masreya interviewed several bloggers and posted a detailed post on torture techniques and psychological tricks those bloggers have been subjected to in State Security headquarters in the district of Nasr City.

Egypt: Synagogue Gone … Synagone

  15 December 2009

Bloggers and online activists in Egypt are calling for saving an old synagogue, currently used as an office for the National Democratic Party - the country's ruling party. Marwa Rakha sums up reactions in this post.

Egypt: Majd Al Assad Dies

  15 December 2009

Egyptian blogger Zeinobia comments on the death of Majd Al Assad, the younger brother of Syrian President Bashar Al Assad.

Egypt: And this one goes to Djamila Bouhired

  15 December 2009

Algeria's 75-year-old activist and revolutionist Djamila Bouhired is ill and is beseeching her country and countrymen to finance her medical treatment. The news has infuriated many Egyptian bloggers who see her as an Arab icon and a hero.

Featured Author: Eman AbdElRahman

  9 December 2009

Egyptian Global Voices Online contributor Eman AbdElRahman, also known as Lasto Adri, is active in a project called Kolena Laila, which she presented at the Second Arab Bloggers Conference in Beirut, Lebanon.

Young Leaders from Sweden and Middle East in Dialogue

  3 December 2009

Last month, the Swedish Institute in Paris hosted a meeting of 26 young people from Egypt, Syria, Lebanon, Jordan, Palestine, Tunisia, Morocco, Algeria and Sweden to improve dialogue between opinion leaders in Sweden, the Middle East and North Africa. Global Voices in French was there.

Arab World: Reactions to the Swiss Ban on Minarets

  1 December 2009

On Sunday, November 29, 57.5% of Swiss voters approved a ban on the construction of new minarets atop mosques, paving the way for a constitutional amendment. The ban has sparked mixed reactions throughout the Arab and Muslim blogospheres: While some bloggers are outraged, others make the point that banning minarets does not hinder practicing the faith.

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