Stories about Egypt from September, 2011
Arab World: Nobel Peace Prize for Revolution Netizens?
Twitter is abuzz tonight as the names of Arab netizens are being circulated as possible candidates for the Nobel Peace Prize for the roles they have played in the Arab revolutions. The names of Global Voices Online very own Lina Ben Mhenni, Wael Ghonim and Esraa Abdelfattah are being mentioned.
Egypt: Turkey's Response to Kurds Questioned as Erdogan Speaks in Cairo
Turkish Prime Minister Tayyip Erdogan's speech about the Palestinian bid for a statehood at the Arab League was translated online live by members of social networking sites, namely Twitter, for those who did not speak Arabic or Turkish. Ruwayda Mustafah reports.
Egypt: Lebanese Blogger and Activist Denied Entry and Deported
Award-winning Lebanese blogger Imad Bazzi was denied entry to Egypt, detained and interrogated at the airport and deported back to Lebanon on the next flight to Beirut. Tarek Amr checks out reactions to Bazzi's ordeal.
Egypt: Protesters Bring Down Israel Embassy Security Wall and Flag
Thousands of protesters took to Tahrir Square, the epicentre of the Egyptian revolution in downtown Cairo, today in protest against Egypt's military rulers. Soon, crowds of young men swarmed to the Israeli Embassy, where they tore down a security wall built to protect the Embassy, and brought down the Israeli flag, as chaos continued into the night. Here's a snippet of how the events played out on Twitter.
Egypt: Mubarak Trial Updates
Egyptian blogger Zeinobia, who blogs at Egyptian Chronicles, is liveblogging the trial of former Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak here. Today's hearing is the fourth and Mubarak is accused of ordering...
Egypt: Scuffles Break Out Inside and Outside Mubarak Trial
Ex-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak stood trial yesterday for the killing of protesters in the revolution. This is the third hearing and lasted for 10 hours, with scuffles reported both inside the court and outside, where Mubarak's supporters clashed with the families of martyrs.
Global Voices Podcast 3: Ripple Effects of the Arab Uprisings
In this edition of the Global Voices Podcast you can hear about the ripple effect of the Arab uprisings, find out what it is to be a digital mentor, and talk through some of the ideas that make up a good code of ethics.