Stories about Egypt from February, 2007
Egypt: What If Anna Nicole Smith was Egyptian?
Freedom for Egyptians wonders what if Anna Nicole Smith was Egyptian! “This woman was into the playboy world of fame, however there was no one single story judging her based...
Egypt: Nawal Al Saadawi Show
Egyptian blogger Zeinobia accuses Egyptian feminist and writer Dr Nawal Al Saadawi of coming up with an annual gimmick to ensure her name remains in the news. “(I)n 2004 she...
Egypt: Mossad Spy Update
Egyptian blogger Zeinobia continues to follow news on an Egyptian-Canadian accused of spying for the Mossad here. “He wasn't spying for Israel despite the fact that he went to the...
Egypt: BBC World Lost September 11 Tapes
Egypt-based blogger Tom Gara is confused as to how BBC World has lost tapes of its coverage of the September 11 attacks on the US. Gara reports that a BBC...
Egypt: Jesus Family Tomb Discovered.
Egyptian blogger Zeinobia gives us links to the discovery of a tomb allegedly belonging to the family of Jesus Christ here. She also gives us her very own analysis of...
Egypt: Has Sadawi Escaped?
Egyptian blogger Sandmonkey is wondering about whether writer and feminist Nawal Al Saadawi is ever returning to Egypt here. “There are rumors floating around that Nawal el Seadawy, the prominent...
Egypt: Kareem Case Appeal Date Set
An appeal hearing has been set for convicted Egyptian blogger Kareem Nabil Sulaiman, who has been sentenced to four years in prison, according to his support website Free Kareem. The...
Egypt: TV Station Closed
Egypt has closed a television station, according to Zeinobia. It seems that Egypt at last listened to the American demands and closed the channel after warning(s) and threats, she writes.
Egypt: Life Improving for HIV Sufferers
Things seem to be getting better for people living with HIV/AIDS in Egypt, writes blogger egYptianist. In addition to free HIV testing and medication, the National AIDS Programme now has...
Free Kareem: Egyptian Bloggers Speak Out
The sentencing of Egyptian blogger Kareem Nabeel Sulaiman to four years in prison for articles he wrote in his personal blog may have come as a shock to many around...
Free Kareem: The Caribbean joins in
The Caribbean blogosphere tends to focus on internal matters, but the plight of Egyptian blogger Abdel Kareem Suleiman struck a chord nevertheless with a few bloggers, including Cuban-American journalist Marc...
Free Kareem: Lusophone Blogs Join the Crusade
As soon as the information about the verdict circulated on the net, Portuguese posts commenting the 4 year in prison sentence given to blogger Abdel Kareem Suleiman started to appear....
Egypt: If Muslims are Weird..Read This:
If you think Muslims are weird, then Egypt-based blogger Tom Gara urges you to read this.
Egypt: Jailed Egyptian Blogger Nominated for Award
Jailed Egyptian blogger Kareem Nabeel Sulaiman has been nominated for one of the 7th Annual Index on Censorship Freedom of Expression Awards, which are intended to honour the world’s champions...
Pakistan: Online freedom of speech as collateral damage?
This flash animation is converted from the Powerpoint Presentation made by Dr Awab Alvi for “The Battle for the Internet.” conference (His presentation can be viewed here-original file .ppt) ...
Israel: Who's Next?
Today it is Abdel Karim – tomorrow it could be you!, warns Israeli blogger SnoopyTheGoon. “This is another case when an oppressive regime takes a petty revenge on a blogger....
Malaysia: Egyptian Blogger Jailed
Ok-Lah in Malaysia comments on the jailing of an Egyptian blogger.
Arabisc: Bloggers Rally to Kareem's Support
Egyptian blogger Kareem Sulaiman was today (Thursday) sentenced to four years in prison for defaming Islam and Egyptian president Hosni Mubarak on his personal blog. Despite a support site, petitions...
Egypt: FOUR Years Prison Sentence for Blogger
Egyptian blogger Kareem Nabil Sulaiman made history today by being the first Egyptian to be sentenced to jail for articles he wrote on his personal blog. An Alexandria court found...
Egypt: Vatican Visit Planned
A top Egyptian clergyman, Shaikh Mohammed Tantawi, has accepted Pope Benedict XVI invitation to visit the Vatican, reports Egyptian blogger Ibn Ad Dunya. He said the mini- summit “will hopefully...
Egypt: Military Tribunal for Policeman
An Egyptian policeman has been referred to a military court because he refused to guard the Israeli embassy in Cairo, writes Issandr El Amrani in The Arabist.