· April, 2010

Stories about Egypt from April, 2010

Egypt: Saudi Arabia Blocks ElBaradei's Site

  28 April 2010

Bikya Masr quotes the Arabic Network of Human Rights information saying that Saudi Arabia has “blocked the Internet website promoting Egypt’s leading opposition figure Mohamed ElBaradei’s National Coalition for Change.”

Egypt: Economic Vegetarians

  22 April 2010

Red meat prices have risen dramatically in Egypt in recent weeks. Amidst calls for meat boycotts, many Egyptians are being pushed to vegetarianism due to high prices.

Egypt: Let's Shoot those Protesters!

  20 April 2010

In a debate on recurrent demonstrations, Egyptian ruling National Democratic Party (NDP) members of Parliament lashed out during a verbal battle with Muslim Brotherhood MPs over protesters in the country and said Egyptian pro-democracy demonstrators “should be shot” by police. Bloggers react in this post by Marwa Rakha.

Egypt: Hashish Crisis adds to Nation's Woes

  19 April 2010

Alongside bread, fuel and cooking gas, Hashish (cannabis) has been added to the list of things which Egyptians are starting to miss. Bloggers argue why this narcotic is the one which will me missed most as prices and poverty continue to rise.

Egypt: Cairo Protest Turns Violent

  13 April 2010

From Egypt, Wael Abbas tweets: “Urgent: a protest in down town cairo is now in progress, security is dramatically violent, some protesters fell unconscious due to beating!”

Egypt: Lessons in Oppression from Iran

  13 April 2010

On Twitter, Daila Ziada comments: “Egyptian security forces are learning from the Iranian experience. They think exaggerated use of violence will stop protesters!”

Egypt: Linux InstallFest a Success!

  6 April 2010

Free Open Source Software (FOSS) is picking up in Egypt, thanks to awareness programmes being organsied by Egyptian Linux Users Group. Tarek Amr sums up reactions to a recent event in this post.

Egypt: Crackdown on Peaceful Pro-Democracy Protests

  6 April 2010

On the second anniversary of the first call for civil disobedience in the history of modern Egypt, new protests broke out through out the country. Egyptian police violently beat and randomly detained people to disperse protests calling for constitutional reform. Eman AbdElRahman reports.

Lebanon: ArabNet discussed the future of Arabic web in English

  3 April 2010

Arabnet 2010 is a tech conference that was held in Beirut recently. While many of the participants considered it a success, there was a major criticism that kept people talking and writing about it days after the conference was concluded. The problem was that while the conference supposedly focuses on Arabic web it adopted English as its official language and the website, discussions, and presentations were all in English.

Lebanon: First Threatened Voice

  1 April 2010

Lebanon has been known and envied in the MENA region for its free cyberspace. Well not any more since March has marked Lebanon's first cyber censhorship incident. Layal Al Khatib has more details in this post.

About our Egypt coverage