Stories about Syria
Inside Saydnaya: Tales of survival and horror in Syria’s notorious prison
Amid the torture and inhumanity of Saydnaya, stories of survival and unbroken spirit offer powerful testimony to the human capacity for resistance.
What challenges do Syrian refugees face after resettlement?
Gerald Gass, German Hospital Association, warned of the repercussions of the return of Syrian doctors “who played a fundamental role in preserving health care, especially in hospitals in small cities.”
Saydnaya: In Syria, a legacy of pain looking for an honorable cleansing
"For those of us who cherish the beauty and history of the town of Sydnaya, its prison’s notoriety has been a painful stain on a proud identity."
Paralympics ceremony in Syria faces backlash and censorship amid accusations of paganism
The use of an Olympic torch at Idlib’s Paralympics ceremony led to backlash from extremist groups and the suspension of the event.
In Turkey, anti-immigrant sentiments are on the rise once again
The violence erupted merely two weeks into President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Syrian President Bashar al-Assad expressing interest in resuming talks after Turkey severed its ties in 2011.
Central Asian states lead the way in the repatriation of foreign terrorist fighters’ families from Syria and Iraq
The cases of Central Asian countries can serve as a study model, and have many good practices to share with the international community.
Sanctions against violators of women’s rights: A political lens
Emphasizing humanitarian aid and empowering women's self-determination and autonomy might be a better approach to creating meaningful change for women and girls than sanctions as a sole strategy.
The Arab League dealt a painful blow to human rights by normalizing relations with the Assad regime
Diplomatic normalizing with the Assad regime sends a chilling message to tyrants worldwide, allowing human rights violations to go unpunished, particularly amid the ongoing Russian-Ukrainian war on the global stage.
The plight of Kurdish journalists in their struggle for free expression
Kurdish journalists lack a recognized nation state and political recognition. They face opposition from their host countries, which attempt to erase their identity and suppress their freedom of expression.
Snapshots of Ramadan: Capturing a few spiritual and communal moments
Ramadan is a highly celebrated occasion in the Islamic world, as it provides a unique opportunity for communities to come together to break the fast, socialize and give to charity.
One-hundred years later: Reflections on Syrian poet Nizar Qabbani's centenary
On the day making Nizar Qabbani's birthday we need to acknowledge that despite differing critical opinions on his poetry, his enduring popularity a quarter century after his passing is indisputable.
The aftermath of the Syrian earthquake and the UN's failure
The UN apologizes to the Syrian people, as inadequate aid arrives too late in Northwest Syria, leaving many to die under the rubble in the aftermath of the earthquake.
Syria: From the jaws of death to the embrace of fate
Earthquake in Turkey and Syria worsens the 11-year Syrian crisis. Limited emergency response and dire humanitarian crisis in the northwestern region leave people in desperate need of help.
President Erdoğan is on a mission to mend ties but at what cost?
Whether its Ankara's ties with Washington DC and the EU, or Turkey's role in Ukraine war, President Erdoğan is seemingly turning "these separate developments into his favor."
Queen Elizabeth II through the Arab prism
For many, Queen Elizabeth II passing’s is a reminder of how different the world is now from the time of her ascension to the throne in 1952.
Opening of shipping routes from Ukraine will not abate commodity and food pressure on the Middle East and North Africa
Despite the opening up of shipping routs for grain exports from Ukraine, persistent challenges from the war will continue to exacerbate pressures on the Middle East and North Africa
Syria's Samar Haddad: ‘Books are freedom and reading is what frees us’
'The true publisher, whether small, medium or large, is the freedom fighter of our age. As a publisher, I’m a resistance fighter in this age of consumerism.'
Central Asia’s fears of rising militancy in Afghanistan as Moscow invades Ukraine
Since the Taliban takeover in August 2021, the three Central Asian states that border Afghanistan intended to defend their borders through security reinforcement and diplomacy, primarily relying on Russian initiatives.
Turkey unveils an initiative that would send one million Syrian refugees back
{lans to send close to one million Syrian refugees living in Turkey back to Syria are at "advanced stage", President Recep Tayyip Erdogan said in a video message on May 3.
Syria's dire economy and years of fighting send young ‘mercenaries’ to fight in Ukraine
Syrian mercenaries, having fought in Libya and the Nagorno-Karabakh region, are now making their way to Ukraine, driven by extreme poverty, and political rapprochement between the two regimes.
What does Russia’s history of urban warfare in Aleppo and Grozny mean for Ukraine?
By weaponize refugees and using illegal munitions, Russia’s invasion of Ukraine will continue to exacerbate one of the worst humanitarian crises in Europe since World War II.