Stories about Syria from August, 2013
A Letter on Syria to Western Narcissists
From Lebanon, Sean Lee, of The Human Province, pens a letter to Western narcissists on Syria: But please, don't let the conflict in Syria be about opposing America. Let it...
A Lesson on Dignity from Syria
This post is part of our Special Coverage Surviving in Syria. On his Facebook Page, Rebel Painter of Horan expressed his cynicism towards the silence of Arabs silence following the “chemical weapon attack”...
Syria: Photos of Chemical Weapons
On Brown Moses Blog more evidence illustrating what is believed to be the devices which have been used in the “Chemical Weapons attack” on 21/08/2013 in Damascus suburbs, Syria, has...
Assad Accused of Dropping Chemical Bombs on Damascus Suburb Al Ghouta
Horrible footage of dying (and dead) children are plastered across social media, calling for the world to break its silence on the atrocities being committed against civilians in Syria.
Syrian Pianist Malek Jandali: “We Need Freedom for True Art”
Dictators fear the soft power that can transform people’s mind, which is why they target artists and intellectuals. Syrian musician Malek Jandali speaks out