Stories about Syria from May, 2016
A Novel About the ‘Anonymous People Who Every Day Live, Love, Resist and Struggle’ for Syria
"We hear little of those who resist, construct and reconstruct, in an increasingly difficult context," says activist, journalist, and Global Voices author Leila Nachawati Rego about her new novel.
Syrian Activists Raise the Alarm Over a Possible Massacre in Hama Prison
Activists are raising the alarm over the fate of more than 800 inmates, mostly political prisoners, held in Hama central prison after they staged a mutiny to demand their rights.
Aleppo Is Burning: Make Your Social Media Profile Photograph Red to Show You Care
Aleppo is being "wiped off the map" as you read these lines. Hundreds have been killed in recent days as activists appeal to the world to pay attention to their plight.