Stories about Syria from February, 2017
Uproar After a Syrian Judge Says Taking a Second Wife Could Fix ‘Spinsterhood’
"[The decreasing number of men] exacerbates the problem and negatively affects young women and families, given the social norms that stigmatize unmarried women, divorcees, or even widows."
Her Syrian Resistance: Into the Deep Podcast
When we want to truly understand what’s going on in Syria, we, at Global Voices, always turn to Marcell Shehwaro.
This Syrian Refugee Family Was Split Apart by New US Travel Rules
Gasem al-Hamad and his family live in California, safe from the war, but now Hamad's brother is stuck in Jordan. It's unknown when the family may be reunited.
Lebanon Forces Syrian Families to Decide Between Homelessness and Child Labor
Despite all the risks, many Syrian families see no choice, other than to flee their homeland for Lebanon and subject their children to labor abroad.