· September, 2006

Stories about Syria from September, 2006

Syria: Democracy vs. Engagement!

  28 September 2006

While the Democracy Faith seems to have been based on the assumption that authoritarianism and corruption in the Broader Middle East and North Africa region seem to play a role...


  27 September 2006

Onnik Krikorian from Oneworld Multimedia has written a series of wonderful articles about the Yezidis, ethnic Kurds, who live in Georgia and Armenia. Traditionally, information gathered about the Yezidis focus...

Syria: Syria takes over the Arab World

  25 September 2006

Today the airwaves are filled with the Syrian dialect. Syria is once again producing most of the Arab World's Ramadan television. A quick flick through the channels shows Syrian series...

Syrian Blogsphere in a Week

  24 September 2006

To kick off this week, Ghalia welcomes the holy month of Ramadan in her special way, with another beautiful shot of her camera… “Ramadan is the (month) in which was...


  22 September 2006

First up on this week's edition of Kurdistance, there has been a fantastic conversation about the Kurdish Question on the Washington Post's PostGlobal feature. The conversation has been very active...

Pope, American Embassy and Others

  18 September 2006

This week was an extremely busy week for all Syrian bloggers, notably Political Blogs had to make a number of updates, since the political atmosphere in syria was swirling with...

Syria: Damascus Attack

  12 September 2006

The American teacher is Syria describe his first reaction to today's terrorist attack on American Embassy at Damascus. He says: “It was breaktime, and a group of students were refreshing...

Syrian Blogsphere in a Week

  12 September 2006

To start off this week, we have Brian Anthony‘s testimonial of what his reflections were exactly five years ago, September 11, 2001. But as I was watching the towers explode...

Syria: What were you doing, America?

  11 September 2006

Brian Anthony wonders: In the decade before the 3,000 innocents died on 9/11, over 100 times that many innocents died in Iraq through UN-imposed sanctions…So perhaps a more introspective question,...

Syria: Tourism and cultural events

  8 September 2006

Syria is witnessing a thriving cultural and tourism activity during this time of the year. There will be the Heritage &Culture Festival which will take place from 15 th to...