Stories about Syria from January, 2015
Kurds of Kobane Declare Victory Over ISIS
After 133 days of bloody war against ISIS, the Revolutionary Kurds of Kobane have finally declared victory.
World Leaders’ Paris March Participation Provokes Wave of Criticism
Internet users responding to images of world leaders at the Paris march against terrorism earlier this month displayed what might be called a "consensus of mockery."
Is Syria Ready for TEDx Damascus With Its Free Thinkers Dead, in Jail or Exile?
Innovation can hardly flourish while innovators like Bassel Safadi remained imprisoned, and when the majority of Syrian free thinkers have been killed, detained or forced to leave the country.
They Are Not Charlie: They Torture, Jail and Kill Journalists in Their Own Countries
The presence of world leaders at the forefront of the Paris rally drew much criticism online, especially since some of those leaders were among the world's worst free speech offenders.
Lovers of the Middle East, Unite!
Two lovers have started collecting 100 love stories from around the Middle East to show the world that the Arab Uprisings brought about unique social change.