Stories about French from July, 2011
Guinea: Censorship Lifted on the Coverage of the President Attack
Souleymane Bah [fr] annonces on GUINÉENS UNIS : “Guinea's National Council on Communication (CNC) has lifted on Thursday [July 28] the ban imposed on July 25 to Guinean media on...
United Arab Emirates: Adjournment of Blogger Ahmed Mansour's Tria
”Poor Arab and Emirati intellectuals and thinkers!” bewails Ahmed Al Mouhareb [ar] while reporting on his Twitter account the deferment the trial of the blogger and activist Ahmed Mansour and...
Cote d'Ivoire: Unequal pay for equal work
Siriki Moustapha explains on [fr] why equal pay for women still is a subject of debate in Ivory Coast: “These are men of varying socio-economic and intellectual levels; they...
Guinea: Weekly Newspaper Le Defi Vandalized
Lamine Camara writes on [fr]: “The central office of the independent weekly newspaper Le Défi was vandalized and completely ransacked by anonymous looters on the night of July 20- 21,...
Senegal: Against a third term for President Wade
Macoumba Beye covers [fr] on the demonstration organized in Dakar on July 23 against the candidature of President Abdoulaye Wade for a third term as President: “The Movement of ...
Republic of Congo: Is the New ‘Made In Africa’ Tablet Actually Chinese?
A new ‘made in Africa' tablet computer from the Republic of Congo was announced in June 2011 to much fanfare. While technical innovation in Africa is worth celebrating, it's worth double-checking whether the new VMK tablet is actually designed, developed and engineered in Congo as advertised.
Guinea: Guinean Music Mourns Manfila Kanté
The passing of Manfila Kanté, a Guinean music star, has been announced via the Facebook account La Presse guinéenne en ligne [fr]. Aly Cherif (Prince Cherif) wrote [fr]: “The Guinean...
Russia: Putin As Universal Evil
Ernst Krenkel of Backyard Safari discusses [GER] how Russian Prime Minister, Vladimir Putin, is often portrayed as a universal evil in the West, to the point where he is even...
Tunisia: Police Brutally Disperse Peaceful Protesters
Tunisian police brutally dispersed protesters outside the headquarters of the Cabinet yesterday (July 15). The protesters were calling for reform and were planning to launch a third sit-in at Kasbah square, which is the epicenter of protests in the Tunisian capital Tunis.
Guinea: Mass Slaughter of Cattles After Ethnic Clashes
According to [fr] “Over 1,200 cattle were slaughtered after ethnic clashes between Fulani and Malinke – the minority groups of Guinea – reported residents of the village of Thiakoro,...
Tunisia: Campaign to Free Government Critic Samir Feriani
A group of Tunisian bloggers and activists have launched a campaign to free Samir Feriani, a former senior official in Tunisia's Interior Ministry who has been detained since May, 29, 2011.
Madagascar: Honduras as an Example of Crisis Recovery
Commenting on the publication of the report from the Honduras Truth and Reconciliation Commission on July 7th, Madagascar Tribune has published [fr] an opinion piece by Patrick A: “As the...
Tunisia: Registration for Elections Start, Technical Snags Reported
Tunisians started registering on electoral lists yesterday (July 11, 2011) to cast their votes on October 23 to elect a constituent assembly, which will write their country's new constitution. However, technical snags are already being reported.
Argentina: Incumbent Mayor Macri Dominates First Round of Buenos Aires Elections
The day after the celebration of Argentina's Independence on July 9, Buenos Aires' first electoral round gave a conformable victory to the center-right incumbent mayor Mauricio Macri, who won with 47.1% of the vote. He will now have to confront Frente Para la Victoria's candidate Daniel Filmus --who has the support of President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner-- in a runoff vote.
Senegal-Chad: Is Habré Extradition a Political Diversion by Wade?
Commenting former Chad president Hissene Habré's extradition to his homeland, makaila.over-blog observes [fr]: “Many Senegalese analysts are already questionning whether this is just a diversion by the Senegalese embattled president. The...
South Sudan: Celebration of Independence blog reports [fr] that South Sudan celebrated the birth of their state with a friendly international football match: “South Sudanese authorities held a friendly football game between their national team...
Senegal-Chad: Hissène Habré won't be expelled anymore
In a post published on July 11th, blog states the following [fr] :”Senegalese authorities finally announced that they suspend the deportation order against Hissène Habré (editor's note: Chad former...
Somalia: Al-Shabaab Calls For International Aid
On, Michelle Nougoum reveals [fr] that: “The Horn of Africa is experiencing one of the worst droughts of its history, so much so that al shabaab, an islamist insurgent...
Cameroon: Anti-Corruption Application Developed
Hervé Djia, a Cameroonian E-entrepreneur, introduced on his Twitter account [fr] the Android Application he has created: NoBakchich [fr]. The tool intends to fight against corruption by allowing users to report...
Togo: Fragile Truce Emerges After Five Weeks of Student Protests
West African country Togo's students' struggle for better education conditions is now in its fifth week and despite a recent truce, tensions remains high in the capital Lomé. Amongst the students' demands for better education conditions, are an increase in and payment of their grants.
Morocco: Reform With the Taste of an Unfinished Business
Throughout the referendum process, the Moroccan blogosphere was divided over the issue of reform. The heated debate shaking the Moroccan society was reflected in social networks. Some are willing to accept the reform proposed by the King. Others question the legitimacy of a process, they say, was marred with irregularities.