· July, 2011

Below are posts about citizen media in French. Don't miss Global Voices en Français, where Global Voices posts are translated into French! Read about our Lingua project to learn more about how Global Voices content is being translated into other languages.

Stories about French from July, 2011

Argentina: Incumbent Mayor Macri Dominates First Round of Buenos Aires Elections

  12 July 2011

The day after the celebration of Argentina's Independence on July 9, Buenos Aires' first electoral round gave a conformable victory to the center-right incumbent mayor Mauricio Macri, who won with 47.1% of the vote. He will now have to confront Frente Para la Victoria's candidate Daniel Filmus --who has the support of President Cristina Fernandez de Kirchner-- in a runoff vote.

South Sudan: Celebration of Independence

  11 July 2011

Slate.fr blog reports [fr] that South Sudan celebrated the birth of their state with a friendly international football match: “South Sudanese authorities held  a friendly football game between their national team...

Morocco: Reform With the Taste of an Unfinished Business

Throughout the referendum process, the Moroccan blogosphere was divided over the issue of reform. The heated debate shaking the Moroccan society was reflected in social networks. Some are willing to accept the reform proposed by the King. Others question the legitimacy of a process, they say, was marred with irregularities.

About our French coverage
