· July, 2010

Below are posts about citizen media in French. Don't miss Global Voices en Français, where Global Voices posts are translated into French! Read about our Lingua project to learn more about how Global Voices content is being translated into other languages.

Stories about French from July, 2010

Morocco: Agharass's New Photography Blog

Moroccan blogger Agharass is known for having an eclectic blog with posts (in French) on a variety of subjects from Palestine to pop culture, often peppered with the blogger's own photographs. Agharass now has a photo blog, entitled Portfolio de Agharass!

Côte d'Ivoire: Journalists accused of document theft are freed

  26 July 2010

The three journalists of Le Nouveau Courrier d'Abidjan arrested for refusing to reveal their sources have been finally released [Fr] this evening after a two-week ordeal. The journalists were found not guilty of theft but the newspaper is fined and suspended for 15 days for publishing information under legal consideration.

Niger: The Silent Famine

  12 July 2010

The underreported food crisis in Sahel is taking worrisome proportions as about 2.5 millions of  people in Niger  are currently affected by food shortage. Bloggers in Niger reflect on yet another food crisis after the one in 2005.

African Soldiers on the Champs Elysees on Bastille Day

  9 July 2010

France's invitation to the armed forces of former colonies to join the parade on the Champs Elysees on July 14 is a subject of great controversy among African bloggers. Many wonder what is the point of having former colonies there and why are many north African nations not invited.

About our French coverage
