· October, 2009

Below are posts about citizen media in French. Don't miss Global Voices en Français, where Global Voices posts are translated into French! Read about our Lingua project to learn more about how Global Voices content is being translated into other languages.

Stories about French from October, 2009

Haiti: National Anthem Singing Contest

  30 October 2009

Sammuel from Thanks for loving Haiti has launched [En/Fr/Fr Cr] a video contest for the best Haitian National Anthem singer. The best video will be chosen by the readers and...

Guadeloupe, Martinique: Soccer & Religion

  28 October 2009

A video showing an interview of the famous French soccer player Thierry Henry in which he expresses his affiliation to Islam, has caught the attention of Martinican blogger Bondamanjak [Fr/Fr...

Reunion: Creole becomes second official language

  28 October 2009

In the midst of the International Creole Month, Guadeloupean blogger CaribCreoleOne discusses [Fr] the now official use of Creole language alongside French in all the administrative procedures and places, in...

Morocco: A Lenient Sentence

  25 October 2009

In September, we learned about Zineb Chtit, the young Moroccan girl who was severely beaten while working as a maid. Last week, it was announced that Zineb's attacker Nawal Houmin, the wife of the couple who had hired her, was to be punished for the crime with a sentence of 3 years imprisonment and a $13,000 fine. Jillian C. York shares reactions from the blogoma.

Guinea: In the aftermath of a massacre

  21 October 2009

Amid widespread international condemnation of Guinea's military regime, the United Nations announced Friday it would launch a formal investigation into the September 28th massacre of opposition protestors in Conakry. Meanwhile, Guinean netizens continue trying to process and assess the meaning of the tragedy.

Guadeloupe: The Water Days

  19 October 2009

In The French-speaking Caribbean island of Guadeloupe, also dubbed “the Island with Beautiful Waters”, water is vital. Bloggers share their thoughts on the recently concluded les Journées de l'Eau en Guadeloupe (Water Days in Guadeloupe) conference.

Gabon’s bloggers struggle to take hold

  9 October 2009

Adriankoto Harinjaka Ratozamanana, a Global Voices in Malagasy translator, went to Gabon to help report the presidential election on Twitter, Facebook, and blogs in a country where journalists are at risk. Here is his story.

Morocco: From Censorship to Seizure

  2 October 2009

The Moroccan Interior Ministry has decided to sue Arabic-language daily paper Akhbar Al Youm for publishing a cartoon lampooning the newly wedded Prince Moulay Ismail. Issues of the magazine have also been seized. Bloggers react to these latest developments in this post.

About our French coverage
