Stories about French from November, 2008
Waxal: First African Blog Award for Journalists
The first Waxal Blogging Africa Awards have been just launched. All African bloggers who work as journalists can register. The deadline is the 7th of December 2008. The individual winners - one for an English blog, one for a French blog - and one for a blogging organization, will be rewarded with a cash prize, and all best blogs will be promoted by the organizers through various channels.
Israel: In the army – and Muslim?
Mo-ha-med describes meeting Ossama – Arab, Muslim, and a soldier in the Israeli army.
Madagascar: Designer is one of the victims of the Mumbai Attacks
Gaelle Mann writes that Malagasy-born designer Loumia Hiridjee and her husband Mourad Amrasy were among the casualties of the attacks at the Oberoi Restaurant in Mumbai (fr). Loumia Hiridjee, 47,...
AIDS awareness through video
HIV/AIDS is a World-Wide pandemic which has been decimating the lives of men, women and children for more than 20 years. Today we bring you videos that discuss HIV/AIDS in its different aspects: how to live with it, protect yourself from it and how to raise awareness to the cause. From Cameroun, an award winning song about AIDS, from Argentina, a campaign that is not afraid to tell youth what a condom is and how to use it, and from Beijing, a video on discrimination, living with it AIDS and the strength to make the condition public.
Madagascar: Land deal with Daewoo finally rejected by authority
Mahefa Rakotomalala writes at L'express de Madagascar that the alleged land deal with South Korean company Daewoo has been officially rejected by the Malagasy government. The minister of land reform...
Senegal: Billionaire hopes auto rickshaws can create thousands of jobs
A plan to create 60,000 new jobs by importing tens of thousands of auto rickshaws to Senegal has sparked an impassioned online debate.
France Antilles news website launched
le blog de [moi] writes about the launch of a new, daily news website for the French Antilles[fr], featuring the latest from Guadeloupe, Martinique and Guyane: “What joy! Yes, pure...
Burkina Faso: Fertility and Underdevelopment
According to new official statistics, Burkina Faso's population is growing [Fr] at an annual rate of 3.1%. Quophybloguer writes [Fr]: “Will the government have the courage to officially limit births in...
DRC: Didace Namujimbo Radio Okapi Journalist Murdered
Cedric Kalonji writes about the tragic shooting death of Didace Namujimbo [Fr], the second Radio Okapi journalist to be murdered in Bukavu: “After learning this news, I was torn between pain, sadness...
Madagascar: South Korean Land Deal Sparks Controversy
South Korea has just leased half of all the arable land in Madagascar according to the Financial Times. This has stirred quite a debate in the Malagasy blogosphere about land sovereignty and economic development. It is still unclear whether the land deal has actually been signed by both parties. Meanwhile, bloggers are arguing whether this sort of deal should be considered “neo-colonialism”.
Cameroon: Questioning the Bakassi Freedom Fighters hostage exchange
A week after the 10 hostages (including 8 foreign nationals) kidnapped by the Bakassi Freedom Fighters were exchanged for the release of 13 prisoners, Cameroonian blogger Le blog du Prési wonders...
Madagascar: Brides-for-Sale just one harsh reality of poverty
Lova Rakotomalala translates the Malagasy blogosphere as it talks about the extremes people can be driven to by poverty.
Tunisia: Yes, they can. No, we can't!
The week of the US election coincided with the 21st anniversary of 'change' in Tunisia. But while Americans went to the polls to elect their 44th president, in its 50 years of independence, Tunisia has had just two presidents. Tunisian bloggers mark Zine El Abidine Ben Ali's 21st year as president with a call for change.
DR Congo: Video call for action
The crisis in the Democratic Republic of the Congo has flared up once again: 10 years of tension, on-and-off warfare and violence have taken their toll on the population, who are being displaced yet one more time. More than 5 million people have died during this warfare, thousands of women have been raped, and thousands of children have been recruited as children soldiers. On the following videos we bring you calls for action from the DRC citizens pleading with us to take a stand to stop the humanitarian crisis in the DRC.
DR Congo: Fighting Continues
As the world celebrated Obama's electoral victory, fighting in Eastern Democratic Republic of Congo has continued in spite of the ceasefire announced by the CNDP rebel group last week. Displacement, killing and lootings haven't stopped, and while regional African leaders met in Nairobi and the world is wondering how to keep the peace in the country, the Ushahidi software has been deployed to the DRC for documentation purposes.
Obamamaniacs in Cote d'Ivoire Anxiously Await Election Results
Read Le Blog de Yoro [Fr], and you'll get the sense that the American presidential election has completely taken over Abidjan, the capital city of Cote d'Ivoire. Not to mention...
Martinique: California's Proposition 8 ‘a violation of civil rights. Period.’
From Martinique, le blog de [moi] discusses Proposition 8[Fr], a proposed amendment to the California constitution that would prohibit same-sex marriage and is expected to pass in a referendum on Tuesday....