· September, 2010

Stories about Kenya from September, 2010

Kenya: Prison Literature in East Africa

  28 September 2010

Kimani Wanjiru discusses prison literature in East Africa: “Maina wa Kinyatti perhaps has the highest number of books that vividly describe his harrowing experience. He has a collection of poems...

Kenya: Governance Reform From Below

  21 September 2010

Tobias writes about John Githongo‘s lecture and a new social movement in Kenya: “The lecture took place almost exactly a year ago, and in it you can see the seeds...

Africa: Africa's mobile app marketplace

  21 September 2010

Welcome to Mobisoko: “Mobisoko is Africa’s mobile app marketplace. It is the place for you to find location and language relevant applications for mobiles, especially geared to the African market.”

Kenya: Changing urban youth culture

  11 September 2010

Bunmi  follows up on an earlier post about the youth culture flourishing in Nairobi. “A small group of young adults who are not part of the “larger impoverished population,” nor…...

Kenya: Koroga Enchants

  8 September 2010

Koroga is an Africa story involving poets and photogpraphers: “At the heart of Koroga is a deep desire to understand how art shapes our social imaginations. Poets have responded to...

Kenya: Hail the mobile phone

  7 September 2010

David Kimondo argues that the mobile phone has become the signature tool of development in Kenya: “A few years ago election monitoring and reporting was a tricky, tiring and often...

Kenya: Empowering Slum Communities

  7 September 2010

Ulrike write about Slumcode Group in Nairobi, Kenya: “Slumcode is a Community Based Organization, located in a densely populated residential town in Nairobi, Kenya. It was formed with the aim...

Kenya: David vs. Goliath and Goliath

  4 September 2010

Mzalendo Contributor describes Kenya 2012 election as “David vs. Goliath and Goliath: “Voters in Kenya can be forgiven for feeling like a captive audience, watching a play whose script we...