Stories about Kenya from June, 2006
Africa: World Cup Report Card
Says Senegalese blogger Seckasysteme (Fr): “African football is not up to par and its presence in the World Cup is mostly symbolic. Too bad that the numerous individual African talents...
Plants & Hippos
Some hippos are beautiful And plants are weird! They grow out of hippos bellies! By kikuyumoja on maisha
Kenya: Jobs on offer
Bankekele publishes this weeks jobs in Kenya – mostly finance related but some telecoms, marketing and mining execs -
Kenya: Traffickers acquitted
You Missed This reports on Kenyan drug traffickers who have been acquitted after one year and half years in prison…….”This week the man with nine lives bounced back and was...
Kenya: How to save K-soccer
MentalAcrobatics writes a detailed piece on “How to Save Kenyan Football” and gives a big up to the Kenyan Soccer blog “Now that is dedication”
Kenya: Womyn
Feminist African Sisters moves to a new site – “Go forth my sisters and be proud to be a woman”
Kenya: Baobab Family Project
Kikuyumoja’s realm reports on a project “Baobab Family Project in Mombasa, Kenya”………..He consequently invested all his money and built a children’s home that aims to give the children a perspective,...
Why No Mention of Slavery in African and Haitian Fiction?
Why is there so little mention of slavery in African and Haitian Fiction? That is the question that Togolese France-based blogger Kangni Alem addresses in a prolific and well-thought out...
Africa: What Internet Brings
Generation Consciente, Une Autre Afrique writes: (Fr)“A book by Cameroonian Jacques Bonjawo, Internet, a Chance for Africa [L'Internet, Une Chance Pour l'Afrique in French] talks about the benefits of new...
Kenya: Big brother watching bloggers
Thinkers Room reports from Kenya that “bloggers are now on the government radar”
Kenya: Business & Investment
Bankelele posts his weekly business and investment report from Kenya
Kenya: The future is not what it used to be
In a lengthy post, Rombo muses on her own relative career success and the lack of employment opportunities for Kenyan university graduates, including some of her former classmates. “What happens...
Kenya: Soccer Chain
White African points to “the soccer's longest video chain” which is part of a soccer social network
Kenya: People made homeless
Squatter City points to a report from Kenya where thousands have been made homeless after being evicted.
Kenya: KBW
After a year of blogging, Girl in the Meadow tells us the KBW blogs she reads and why…
Kenya: Take care of yourself
Cock & Bull Stories publises a piece entitled “One Man's Worth” about a man that feels so bad he decides to take his own life only to realise at the...
Kenya: Music
More great musical reports and links and photos from Steve Ntwiga Mugiri
Africa: World Cup Fever
Kenyan Soccer has a World Cup report with some cool links….
Reunion: Chikungunya Epidemic Confirmed
LSZ Blog, a health-related blog covering Southern Africa and the Indian Ocean, writes (Fr): “It seems that Chikungunya fever has reached a quasi-pandemic dimension with more than a million people...
Africa: Ebay
White African posts on “Global Artisans” and EBay in the developing world and has some ideas about how this may work in Africa.
Kenya: Village life
A report on the rains, drought and world cup from Kenyan Villager