Stories about Kenya from February, 2007
Kenya: 2007 election websites
Mzalendo: Eye On Kenyan Parliament has a short piece about websites designed to cover the general election in Kenya later this year, “It seems like there will be a plethora...
Kenya: the battle for Africa Online
Bankele writes about the battle for Africa Online, “Telkom (South Africa) looks to emerge the winner in the battle for Africa Online after the African Lakes board (parent company) have...
Kenya: political dynasties
A blog dedicated to the 2007 general election in Kenya, A Political Kenya in 2007, has a post about Kenya's political dynasties, “Political dynasties have become a fairly permanent feature...
Kenya: solar concentrator
Afromusing blogs about solar concentrator (Sun Flower), “This is one product I am looking forward to testing it in Kenya once it becomes available, mainly because it is cost effective,...
Kenya: remembering Robert Ouko
You missed This writes about the 15th anniversary of Robert Ouko‘s murder, “You see the list of people who have died to stop the truth over the Ouko murder ever...
Who is visiting Africa?
Chinese President Hu Jintao is on a 10-day-visit to Africa now. Many state-owned news media such as Xinhua News Agency and People’s Daily, headline his visit on their websites’ front...