· January, 2010

Stories about Kenya from January, 2010

Kenya: Cartoonists of the Year Awards

  26 January 2010

KenyaImagine attended Cartoonist of the Year Awards in Nairobi, Kenya: “We attended the first, and likely, annual Cartoonist of the year awards at the Swiss ambassador's last week. The event...

Kenya: Abdullah al-Faisal stirs confrontation

  25 January 2010

As on Thursday 21st Jan, the government of Kenya was at its nerves end trying to raise over US$,400,000 in a bid to deport Sheikh Abdullah al-Faisal to his home country, Jamaica using a hired plane. This was one of the many failed attempts to get al-Faisal out of the country due to his terrorist nature which was deemed a risk to the East African Country, Kenya.

Kenya: Kiswahili an optional subject

  21 January 2010

Bumni writes about the decision to make Kiswahili an optional subject in Kenya: “The subject will no longer be a compulsory paper in the Standard Eight national examinations…”

Africa: AfricaKnows Project

  21 January 2010

Erik discusses AfricaKnows Project: “AfricaKnows is a new project by TED Fellows Josh Wanyama and Sheila Ochugboju. Their job: to tell a different story of Africa, through big pictures that...

Announcing the Technology for Transparency Network

  19 January 2010

Rising Voices, the outreach and citizen media training initiative of Global Voices Online, has launched a new interactive website and global network of researchers to map online technology projects that aim to promote transparency, political accountability, and civic engagement.

Africa: AdWords in Africa

  12 January 2010

Miquel discusses Google's AdWords in Africa: “While it would be an excellent method for African bloggers to get a bit of money to cover their internet expenses, Google doesn't offer...

Africa: Notes on Queer Africa

  11 January 2010

Gukira discusses an intellectual project on Queer Africa: “The kind of queer history I am envisioning might trace the history of the “unattached” in African ethno-histories.”

South Africa: A glowing tribute to Dennis Brutus

  6 January 2010

The News of the death of Dennis Brutus came as a rude shock to many, not just in South Africa but to the world at large who knew him for his poetry and activism against the Apartheid system in South Africa in the 1960s and his fight for social justice throughout his life.