Stories about Mexico from February, 2010
Belize: Teachers’ Strike
Teachers are on strike in an effort to secure a pay raise: Belizean reports.
Global: Concerns About Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA)
The last meeting of negotiations for the Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement (ACTA) has provoked the protest of online communities against both its content and the circumstances of their negotiations
Mexico: Critique of the Media Coverage of the “Narco War”
Daniel Hernandez of the blog Intersections critiques the media coverage of Mexico's “Narco War” and provides examples of some recent cases.
Mexico: Monarch Butterfly Migration in the Americas
Between Mexico, Northern United States, and Canada the migration of the monarch butterfly has astonished residents and tourists dating back to ancient times, and have played an important part in local traditions.
Paraguay: Footballer Salvador Cabañas Recovering After Shooting
In the early morning of January 25, Paraguayan footballer Salvador Cabañas was shot in the head during an altercation in a Mexico City bar bathroom. Although he is slowly recovering, there are still a lot of unanswered questions.