Stories about Mexico from April, 2014
Good Enough to Work: Low Pay and No Rights
Undocumented labor contributes to the U.S. economy and this contribution would not be possible without a workforce among whom millions have already risked incarceration, deportation, physical abuse, and death.
#EPNStop : Human Chain in Mexico against #LeyTelecom
A human chain protest against the Telecommunications Bill proposed in Mexico took place in Mexico City, the country's capital, on Saturday, April 26, 2014. The chain was planned to link the official residency...
Caribbean: The Writing & Politics of Gabriel García Márquez
The literary fraternity is only just starting to adjust to the idea of life without “Gabo” – the inimitable Colombian-born author who was beloved by the world – Gabriel García...
International Organizations, Activists and Authors Against #LeyTelecom
Several digital rights international organizations sent the Mexican Congress a letter expressing international support [es] for the defense of the freedom of expression and Internet freedom in Mexico. The letter...
#EPNvsInternet: Mass Campaign against Mexican Communications Bill
A joint mass action between civil organizations and activist is pushing to revert the Telecommunications Bill proposal sent by president Enrique Peña Nieto for Congress' approval.
87-Year Old Gabriel Garcia Marquez Dies
Colombia Nobel laureate author Gabriel García Márquez passed away on Thursday, April 17, 2014, in Mexico City. He was 87 years old. Colombian network Caracol posted a chronology [es] of...
A Look at the Mexico City Metro
What do Mexico City residents say about their main mode of public transportation?