· October, 2011

Stories about Mexico from October, 2011

Mexico: Discussing the Possibility of Recall Elections

  27 October 2011

The Chamber of Deputies in Mexico has been discussing a political reform for weeks. But the initiative that reached the floor lacks elements that its supporters considered essential, like the "recall of the mandate", most commonly known as recall elections.

Mexico: U.S. Alleges Iranian Assassination Plot Involving Los Zetas

  13 October 2011

Reports that the U.S. Justice Department charged two men with conspiring with "factions of the Iranian government" to assassinate Saudi Arabia's U.S. ambassador and to bomb the Saudi and Israeli embassies in Washington - allegedly with assistance from the Los Zetas drug cartel - provoked strong reactions from netizens in Mexico and around the globe.

U.S. Releases Report on Social Media in Latin America

  7 October 2011

The United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean recently released a report titled “Latin American Governments Need to ‘Friend’ Social Media and Technology”. Bloggings by...