Stories about Mexico from October, 2011
Mexico: Fear, Uncertainty and Doubt over Anonymous’ #OpCartel
Over recent days many media outlets have widely publicized news about a video by Anonymous Mexico threatening the Zetas cartel as a response to the kidnapping of one of the former's members. Inconsistencies in reports about the operation are however evident.
Mexico: Discussing the Possibility of Recall Elections
The Chamber of Deputies in Mexico has been discussing a political reform for weeks. But the initiative that reached the floor lacks elements that its supporters considered essential, like the "recall of the mandate", most commonly known as recall elections.
Mexico: President Signs Law Two Years After Daycare Centre Fire
On June 5, 2009, a fire in a daycare centre claimed the lives of 49 children and left 76 injured. The childrens' parents campaigned for a bill to improve the country's daycare centres, which has just been signed into law by the Mexican President.
Mexico: Nonprofit Supports Low-Income Women Entrepreneurs
Food blogger Lesley Téllez highlights the work of CREA, “a Mexico City nonprofit that supports women entrepreneurs in low-income communities”. Lesley shares photos of food she made using some of...
Central America: The Dangerous Journey of Female Migrants
“Every year, thousands of migrants risk their lives on a treacherous journey toward el norte, facing violence, extortion, kidnapping and discrimination. However, female migrants face a heightened risk of exploitation...
Mexico: October 15 Protests in Photos
Animal Político [es] posts photos of the October 15 protests in Mexico. Mexicans used the hashtag #15Omx to tweet reports, photos, and reactions.
Food Around the World on Blog Action Day 2011
Every year since 2007, Blog Action Day has united bloggers from around the world in talking about one global issue. Collectively, the thousands of bloggers participating have an audience of millions. And this year on October 16, 2011 they talked about food.
Global Handwashing Day: Changing Behaviors through Song and Dance
Do you know how to properly wash your hands? Through songs and dances, people from different parts of the world teach others the right way to wash their hands to promote health. October 15 is Global Handwashing Day.
Latin America: Music Blog Loves to Discover New Songs
The blog Amo descubrir canciones [es] (“I love to discover songs”) reviews music from around the world, with a special focus on Latin America. The blog includes specials with songs...
Mexico: Photo Essay on Migration in Oaxaca
Todd Miller, from NACLA's Border Wars blog, posts a photo essay on migration in Oaxaca, where “76% of the […] population lives in poverty.”
Mexico: U.S. Alleges Iranian Assassination Plot Involving Los Zetas
Reports that the U.S. Justice Department charged two men with conspiring with "factions of the Iranian government" to assassinate Saudi Arabia's U.S. ambassador and to bomb the Saudi and Israeli embassies in Washington - allegedly with assistance from the Los Zetas drug cartel - provoked strong reactions from netizens in Mexico and around the globe.
U.S. Releases Report on Social Media in Latin America
The United States Senate Foreign Relations Committee for Latin America and the Caribbean recently released a report titled “Latin American Governments Need to ‘Friend’ Social Media and Technology”. Bloggings by...