· February, 2012

Stories about Mexico from February, 2012

Mexico: Citizen Initiative to the Clear the Streets of Election Trash

  17 February 2012

Every three years, the streets of Mexico are plastered with a thick layer of unending advertisements sporting images of smiling candidates for a variety of elected positions. But after the elections, the advertisements remain for days, weeks and even months. #QuitaUnAnuncio ["TakeDownAnAd"] is a citizen initiative to clean up Mexico City during the election period.

Mexico Prepares to Elect a New President

  14 February 2012

As personalities and political parties in Mexico prepare for the presidential election this year, various bloggers and Twitter users are analyzing its implications while others are seemingly more interested in the ineptitude of the candidates.

Mexico: Josefina Vázquez Mota Wins PAN Primary

  7 February 2012

Bloggings by boz reports that “Josefina Vázquez Mota, a member of Congress and President Calderon's former secretary of education and secretary of social development, won the PAN [National Action Party] primary...