· March, 2011

Stories about Brazil from March, 2011

Brazil: On Opening the Archives of the Dictatorship

  31 March 2011

A collective blogging was called to demand the opening of the archives of the Brazilian military dictatorship (1964-1985), responsible for torturing of thousands and for killing 380 Brazilians. Of these, 147 remain missing and nothing is known about the fate of their bodies. Until now their families are suffering without knowing their stories.

Brazil: More Poetry, Less Money

  27 March 2011

Following the discussion on The Cost of Financing Culture in Brazil, blogger Paulo Rená introduces [pt] a new project – “More Poetry, Less Money” (@maispoesia) – where “any person can...

Spanish-Speaking Bloggers React to Earthquake in Japan

  27 March 2011

The 8.9 magnitude earthquake which shook Japan on March 11th has provoked reactions from Spanish-speaking bloggers from all over the world. After reviewing news of various disasters around the world and most recently in Japan, the question which arises is: faced with a disaster, would you abandon your home?

Brazil: The Cost of Financing Culture

  26 March 2011

Recent news that the Brazilian Ministry of Culture has authorized famous singer Maria Bethânia to raise R$ 1.3 million tax free (Brazilian reais - approximately US$ 777,000) to create a poetry blog, has aroused the anger of bloggers, Twitter users and other cultural activists.

Brazil: Critical Mass, a month later

  26 March 2011

One month after “a reckless madman ran over a group of cyclists in Porto Alegre”, during the Critical Mass event, Brazilian blogger and journalist Cristina Rodrigues writes [pt] about some...

Global Voices’ translator: Jean Saint-Dizier

  25 March 2011

Jean Saint-Dizier, aka "Juan", is a volunteer translator for Global Voices in French. Madly in love with Brazil, his second homeland, and with Portuguese, Juan translates from Portuguese to French every post about Brazil published on Global Voices because "Brazil is a chance for the world, and I want to share it".

Brazil: Gay federal deputy threatened

  20 March 2011

Blogger Paulo Lopes denounces [pt] life threats on Twitter directed to the federal deputy Jean Wyllys – the first assumed homossexual to enter the Brazilian Parliament. Rudá Ricci, on the...

Brazil: International Women's Day and Amnesty

  16 March 2011

As part of the celebrations of the International Women's Day, on March 8, six former political prisioners received the offical amnesty by the Brazilian Government, says [pt] Rogério Tomaz Jr,...

Brazil: Reactions to Egyptian and Middle Eastern Crises

  14 March 2011

From January 25, 2011, the world followed the course of the Egyptian revolutionary conflict, awaiting the fall of Hosni Mubarak, which finally arrived on 11 February after weeks of protest. In the wake of Egypt's crisis, the Brazilian blogosphere was filled with analysis, celebrations and prognoses for the future.

About our Brazil coverage

Fernanda Canofre
Fernanda Canofre is the Brazil editor. Email her story ideas or volunteer to write.