Stories about Brazil from February, 2010
Brazil: A Snapshot of Campus Party 2010
São Paulo became a meeting place for geeks, cyberactivists and Internet addicts last month, during the Brazilian round of the Campus Party.
Open Video: Worldwide Wireside chat with Lawrence Lessig
What is fair use, how does copyright fit into the digital age and how can commentary, teaching, remixing and research with video be freely developed? Tune in on February 25th 6:00pm US Eastern time (GMT -5) to watch and listen to Lawrence Lessig as he discusses these topics at the Open Video Alliance website or check out for screenings in your city.
[Podcast] Interview with Fabiano Angelico of Transparência Brasil
Fabiano Angelico of Transparência Brasil explains why transparency and accountability projects tend to focus on federal rather than state and local governments and points us to one innovative project in Brazil in which bloggers 'adopt' local politicians.
Brazil: Protest Against the Government's Disregard For Flood
Maria Frô calls on bloggers and middle-class population [pt] of São Paulo to join her on February 8th to protest against the disregard of the city's mayor and state government...
Brazil: Kiss-in for homosexual and abortion rights
São Paulo will stop on Sunday for an evening of mass kissing in protest against resistance to the Brazilian government's third edition of the National Program for Human Rights
Spain: Indigenous Film Festival
Canal Solidario writes about the Indigenous Film Festival which will take place in Sevilla, Spain. During the screening, films from indigenous communities inside Nicaragua, Canada and Brazil will be shown...