Stories about Brazil from November, 2010
Brazil: WikiLeaks cable reveals suspected terrorists arrested on narcotics charges
Natalia Vianna reports [pt] for WikiLeaks on how US embassy cables reveal Brazilian security forces have cooperated with US intelligence on counterterrorism in the country, arresting individuals with links to terrorism on...
Brazil: Cartoons of slum violence
Conceição Oliveira, at her blog Maria Frô, posts [pt] a series of cartoons by renowned Brazilian political cartoonist Carlos Latuff, which depict the recent outbreak of violence in the favelas of...
Brazil: Three proposals to ease Rio chaos
Bruno Cava, writing for the Amálgama blog, analyzes [pt] the current wave of violence in Rio de Janeiro's slums, and proposes three possible solutions: new policies for development and urbanization of...
Brazil: Letter from the Digital Culture Forum for internet freedom
Antônio Arles, from Arlesophia blog, reproduces [pt] the Letter from the Digital Culture Forum for internet freedom, created by many cyberactivists during the Digital Culture Forum that took place in...
Brazil: Milo Manara, master of erotic comics, visits Brazil
Fausto Salvadori, from blog Boteco Sujo [Dirty Bar, pt], writes about the famous Italian artist Milo Manara‘s visit to Brazil. Manara, a master of erotic comics, was in São Paulo...
Brazil: Youth using citizen media to chronicle Rio violence
Young residents in the Complexo do Alemão favelas in Rio de Janeiro have begun using social and citizen media to chronicle the recent wave of violence spreading through the city. Seventeen-year-old aspiring...
Brazil: Bloggers react to wave of violence in Rio de Janeiro
A recent wave of violence has frightened residents of Rio de Janeiro and reignited a familiar public debate on security in the city. A great wave of panic, in part brought on by the mainstream media, also brings to the fore a new problem: the great proliferation of false rumors on the internet.
Brazil: President today, blogger tomorrow
Outgoing Brazilian president Luis Inácio Lula da Silva (Lula) was interviewed for the first time this week by a range of progressive bloggers, an event seen by many as a major step in the ongoing push for a more democratic media system in the country.
Korea: Paulo Coelho Joined the #Prayforkorea in Twitter
After North Korea's artillery shelling on a South Korean island, killing two marines and two civilians and wounding at least a dozen people, twitterers, both local and international, have joined the #prayforkorea discusssion. Paulo Coelho,...
Brazil: President Lula grants blogosphere first-ever interview
Outgoing Brazilian president Luis Inácio Lula da Silva will tomorrow (24th November) be interviewed [pt] for the first time by a range [pt] of progressive bloggers regarding Brazil's changing media system. Renato...
Brazil: five days of cyber-activism to end violence against women
To mark the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women (November 25th), a group of Brazilian feminist bloggers will take part in five days of cyber activism [pt]. Those involved will...
Brazil: Black Awareness Day
To mark Brazil's annual Black Awareness Day (Dia da Consciência Negra), journalist and blogger Elaine Tavares explains [pt] why she is proud to be Afro-Brazilian. Meanwhile, celebrations and cultural events [pt] to...
Brazil: dreams of competing with China
Writer and analyst Bradley M. Gardner weighs in on billionaire entrepeneur Eike Batista's plan [pt] to bring Apple’s manufacturing process to Brazil. Gardner writes that Batista “wants his country to...
Brazil: Dilma Rousseff and the ‘currency war’
Enéas de Souza, blogging at Sul21 [pt], examines how president-elect Dilma Rousseff will deal with the huge surge in Brazil's currency that has led Goldman Sachs to classify it as the...
Latin America: Music Blog “Club Fonograma” Reviews Latin American Music in English
Club Fonograma: We are Sudamerican Pop! is a music blog, written in English, that reviews Latin American music. Blog posts include audio or video of the band or singer being...
Brazil: new wave of discussion of the role of “Militant Atheists”
On October 10, the famous liberation theologian Frei Betto wrote an article in a major Brazilian newspaper, Folha de São Paulo – reproduced by the Blog do Miro [Miro's Blog,...
Brazil: Eradicating the Indigenous Guarani Kaiowa
Guarani still represent one of the most numerous indigenous people in Brazil, though they are profoundly affected by the loss of almost all their land in the last century. In the state of Mato Grosso do Sul, Guarani Kaiowa, one of three groups descended from the original, are the target of constant attacks and victims of an alarming rash of suicides.
Brazil: more criticism of media regulation
André Kenji, from the blog Dissidência, compares [pt] media regulation in Brazil and the USA, saying that public TV licenses cannot be treated as the private property of media owners. Meanwhile,...
Brazil: digital culture forum kicks off in São Paulo
The second annual Fórum da Cultura Digital Brasileira (Brazilian Digital Culture Forum) [pt] has begun in São Paulo. Due to run until 17th November, the forum aims to bring together...
Online Video Contest on Responsible Consumption has Winner
A Colombian short film was selected as the winner from 10 international finalists in the 4th International online short film contest for Responsible Consumption Culture. This contest, organized by ECODES and the General Direction of Consumption for the Government of Aragon called for entries in Spanish from short film producers from Spain and Latin America.
Brazil: fires and racism
Eduardo Guimarães, from Blog da Cidadania (Citzenship Blog) compares [pt] the increasing and frightening number of fires in the slums of São Paulo with the outbreak of racism that affects the city....