· September, 2005

Stories about Brazil from September, 2005

Brazil: A Blogger's Introduction

28 September 2005

Claudio Tellez, a German-born, conservative, Chilean mathematician living in Brazil offers an introductory first post on his new English-language weblog.

Brazil: Baile Funk Podcast

26 September 2005

Atari has compiled a podcast of her favorite Balie Funk tracks discovered on her recent trip to Brazil.

Brazil's Famous Flickr Photographer

  8 September 2005

The content of Tatiana Cardeal‘s photography is firmly rooted in her native country of Brazil, but her intimate lens and universal themes have generated a wide following of Flickr fans...

Brazil: Tired of Being Sexy

5 September 2005

Atari in Rio is a fan of the São Paulo-based rock group, Cansei de Ser Sexy (“Tired of Being Sexy”) and links to two of their songs.

Brazil: Blog Coverage of Katrina

5 September 2005

Brazilian blogger, André Lemos writes on the Best of the Blogs weblog about coverage of Katrina in the Brazilian blogosphere.

Brazil: Baile Funk

1 September 2005

Atari in Rio recounts his her first Baile Funk, a type of dance party in Rio de Janeiro's favelas.

About our Brazil coverage

Fernanda Canofre
Fernanda Canofre is the Brazil editor. Email her story ideas or volunteer to write.