Stories about Brazil from September, 2005
Brazil: A Blogger's Introduction
Claudio Tellez, a German-born, conservative, Chilean mathematician living in Brazil offers an introductory first post on his new English-language weblog.
Brazil: Baile Funk Podcast
Atari has compiled a podcast of her favorite Balie Funk tracks discovered on her recent trip to Brazil.
Brazil: Bringing Justice to Pará
Randy Paul wants something to be done about the lawlessness in Pará, Brazil.
Latin America: Approval Ratings and Campaign Polls
Bloggings by Boz has a comprehensive compilation of presidential approval ratings and campaign polls from around the Americas.
Brazil: US State Department Info Sheets
Atari In Rio calls it unreasonable to judge Brazil solely by the U.S. State Department’s Consular Info Sheet.
Images from Brazil: Senators accused of being “Liars”
“On my mind …” by D.R. Lynch The graffiti on the wall, found in Buenos Aires, but equally applicable to current day Brazil, reads “Senators, Thieves!” In the caption, D.R....
Brazil's Famous Flickr Photographer
The content of Tatiana Cardeal‘s photography is firmly rooted in her native country of Brazil, but her intimate lens and universal themes have generated a wide following of Flickr fans...
Brazil: Tired of Being Sexy
Atari in Rio is a fan of the São Paulo-based rock group, Cansei de Ser Sexy (“Tired of Being Sexy”) and links to two of their songs.
Brazil: Blog Coverage of Katrina
Brazilian blogger, André Lemos writes on the Best of the Blogs weblog about coverage of Katrina in the Brazilian blogosphere.
Brazil: Baile Funk
Atari in Rio recounts his her first Baile Funk, a type of dance party in Rio de Janeiro's favelas.