· September, 2008

Stories about Brazil from September, 2008

Brazil: Bloggers’ magazine on democracy

  30 September 2008

The latest issue of blogger magazine Feed-se: Democracia, available in PDF for free download (in Portuguese), is a special edition on democracy, by Brazilian bloggers Nospheratt, Alex, Lu Monte and Lúcia...

Brazil: Who are the Brazilian bloggers

  28 September 2008

Who are the Brazilian bloggers? Pedro Cardoso [pt] and Tine Araújo [pt] are conducting a census [pt] to find out, among others, what academic and professional qualifications Brazilian bloggers have,...

Lusosphere: Saramago, 85 years, Nobel Laureate, Blogger

  24 September 2008

A week ago, the 1998 Nobel Prize winner for literature - the first and only Portuguese language writer - started his own blog: Saramago's Notebook, which he describes as his "infinite page on the Internet", has been welcomed by bloggers from many Portuguese speaking countries. But what does it take to become a blogger?

Brazil: Suspense as indigenous land rulings in limbo

  20 September 2008

Brazil's Supreme Court (STF) decided to postpone the decision about Raposa Serra do Sol land but will vote on another less complex demarcation case: the Pataxó Hã-Hã-Hãe people have been waiting for this decision for over 26 years. Meanwhile, bloggers comment on the fact that, for first time in the history of Brazil's Supreme Court, an indian lawyer defended her people. Watch the video.

Blogger of the Week: Daniel Duende Carvalho

  14 September 2008

This week's Blogger of the Week series takes us to Brasilia, Brazil, where Daniel Duende Carvalho, our Portuguese Translation Manager, opens his heart and talks about his blogging experience, his work online and what he thinks of the Portuguese speaking Brazilian blogopshere. Is living in Brazil all about lazing in the sun and attending loud parties? Juan Arellano finds out.

Brazil: Justice aims at Twitter and hits innocent bloggers

  13 September 2008

If the Brazilian Electoral Justice is not quite sure about what the Internet is, their latest blunder proves that Twitter is completely alien to them. When trying to take down a fake mayoral candidate's profile on the popular network, they managed to take offline a blog that had nothing to do with the story. Mind you: They could have taken down the whole Twitter website instead.

Brazil: Useless newspapers

  1 September 2008

“Sorry. I do not want to look like a pedant. But after some time outside Brazil – and especially after a a time geting information about Brazil through the Internet...

About our Brazil coverage

Fernanda Canofre
Fernanda Canofre is the Brazil editor. Email her story ideas or volunteer to write.