Stories about Brazil from August, 2014
From a “Gaza Stripper” in Texas to Chinese Migrants in Egypt, Kim Badawi Photographs Intercultural Encounters
In this interview, photographer Kim Badawi discusses his work on cultural encounters, and on the role of social media when mainstream news fails to report stories that matter to communities.
A Syrian in Brazil: An Interview With Global Voices Contributor Rami Alhames
From Syria to Brazil, from engineering to activism and finally Global Voices, Rami Alhames has an interesting story of his own to tell.
Why Brazilian Authorities’ Case Against 23 Anti-World Cup Activists Reads Like a Soap Opera
Love, betrayal and jealousy. The complaint against the 23 arrested includes statements from three witnesses who had personal disputes with some of the activists.
Brazilian Presidential Candidate Eduardo Campos Killed in a Plane Crash
Campos died on the same day, Aug. 13, as his grandfather Miguel Arraes, one of the most prominent socialist political figures of Brazilian politics.
Loved Brazil’s 2014 World Cup? The Five-Time-Champion Nation Wasn’t So Thrilled
Social unrest and protests are what apparently characterise World Cups that are hosted in Latin America.
Global Voices is Looking For a Dynamic Leader to Shape Our Brazil Coverage
Global Voices is looking for a bilingual online news leader to run our Brazil coverage