Stories about Brazil from January, 2008
Brazil: Social blogging against paedophilia
Luz de Luma [pt] is one of the core bloggers at the social blogging that will take place at the Lusosphere next February 14to debate paedophilia. “When I proposed this...
Brazil: World's street children in charges
The Iranian website Iran Cartoon began a virtual series on world's street children, featuring artists from dozen countries, such as Mongolia, France, Vietnam, Colombia, Brazil, China. Sérgio Coutinho [pt] will...
Brazil: The first ever local cyberculture festival
Sérgio Amadeu [pt] on Guarulhos first ever digital festival. “With more than 500 papers published in a collaborative portal, developed entirely using open software, Guarulhos 2.Zero will give its awards...
Brazil: Amazon, deforestation and the future
“If you want to see what would happen to Amazon if deforestation does not come to a halt, you can see a simulation developed by the Institute of Environmental Research...
Brazil: Veja magazine and the anti-journalism phenomenon
“The biggest anti-journalism phenomenon in recent years is what happened to Veja magazine. Gradually, the largest weekly Brazilian mag was turned into a lampoon with no commitment to journalism, using...
Brazil: Is it time to become media?
Cardoso [pt] is one of the bloggers invited to speak about “The blogs phenomenon – is it time to become media?” on an international summit of digital communication taking place...
Brazil: More on the yellow fever panic caused by the media
“If I know well the Brazilian media, far from apologizing for having made a mistake and encouraged Brazilians – all Brazilians – to get vaccinated, there will be an attempt...
Brazil: Police goes Wi-Fi on Carnival
Andre Lemos [pt] reports that the police of Salvador will use wi-fi network to provide security to revelers at the Carnival. There will be 400 computers in 60 points of...
Brazil: Recife is the most violent of the capitals
The report “Map of Violence in Brazilian Municipalities 2008″, launched earlier today by the Latin American Technological Information Network, shows that Recife, capital of Pernambuco, is top of the ranking...
Cape Verde: Getting read to debate the blogosphere
djoyamado [pt] makes a roundup of Cape Verde blogs, some of them are debating quite hot issues. This is a post preparing to a “virtual” debate on the state of...
Brazil: 5 years of Filmes do Chico
“I never thought that Filmes do Chico, this plaything of mine, would get this far. I shall thank all of you who have followed me in this 5 years eternity....
Brazil: 48 murders at the weekend in Pernambuco
Despite the fact that there is no official information from the relevant governmental body, PE Body Count [pt] carries on its independent count of the murder rates in Pernambuco, Brazil....
Brazil: The Army calls for a revolution
According to Jorge Serrão [pt] the Brazilian Army has issued an open letter to the population calling for a revolution. which he publishes in his blog: “The nation expects us...
Brazil: Countdown to Carnival
There is a popular belief that in Brazil the year only starts after Carnival. Be this an exaggeration or not, there is not much else being talked about on the country's blogosphere: everyone is dusting off their costumes, getting into the mood and counting down the days for the biggest street party on Earth. Here's a round up of bloggers expectations in Rio de Janeiro, Bahia, Pernambuco, and the lesser known carnival in Minas Gerais.
Brazil: How the USA backed the dictatorship
Luiz Carlos Azenha [pt] has started a series of posts in which he intends to translate all the official documents about the American support to the 1964 coup in Brazil,...
Lusosphere: Child survival
UNICEF has just published its annual analysis of the mortality rate of children under 5 years. Among the conclusions, Angola, Guinea Bissau, Mozambique, Sao Tome and Principe, East Timor and...
Brazil: São Paulo's 454th anniversary in Second Life
Andre Lemos [pt] reports that, to celebrate the anniversary of 454 years of São Paulo, Second Life has inaugurated its main avenue in the virtual world at the New Island...
Brazil: Corrupted sports media
Paulinho, a Brazilian journalist, has compiled facts and provided comprehensive evidence of a criminal scheme in the sports media in São Paulo. He has investigated Futebol Interior website, which promotes...
Brazilian Football Star Remembered on 25th Death Anniversary
It is through video online that many Brazilians and football fans from around the world have found a way to pay homage to one of the best dribblers in football history, Manuel Francisco dos Santos, best known as Garrincha.
Brazil: Brazilian Landless Workers Movement turns 24
The Brazilian Landless Workers Movement (MST) celebrates today its 24 years. João Valente Aguiar [pt] publishes a beautiful black and white picture and describes it as a “movement which consists...
Brazil: Update on the censorship in Pernambuco
PE Body Count [pt] has an update on the case of media censorship that has been going on in Recife, Brazil, following an interview on TV in which the authorities...