Stories about Brazil from November, 2009
Brazil: The Violence Against Women Debate
On the International Day for the Elimination of Violence Against Women, Brazilian bloggers reignite the debate and campaign to end violence.
Brazil: Capoeira on the big screen
“It was high time capoeira were represented in the big screen in all its glory”, says Regina Scharf. She talks about a just released movie about the Afro-Brazilian martial art/dance....
Featured Author: Diego Casaes
Diego Casaes is a dedicated Global Voices author and translator from Salvador, Brazil. Much of his writing on Global Voices has spread awareness about legislative threats to online freedom in Brazil, such as the infamous "Azeredo Bill".
Brazil: The loss of a pioneer digital activist
The Brazilian blogosphere is mourning today: the country has lost one of its pioneers digital activists.
Brazil: Do banks have metal or melanin detector doors?
Most banks in Brazil use revolving doors with metal detectors. But are they being used as an excuse to discriminate against people? A citizen media video reveals at least one case.
Blogger Profiles: Caribé, an incurable idealist and cyberactivist in Brazil
Global Voices Online has interviewed João Carlos Caribé, one of the most influential cyberactivist bloggers in Brazil and the man behind the Mega Não movement, that fights censorship in the Brazilian Internet.
Brazil: Was the blackout caused by hackers or UFOs?
See the many conspiracy theories about the 2009 blackout in Brazil: everything from the president, his possible successor, UFOs and hackers have been blamed from one blog to another.
Qatar: Anticipation mounts over England vs Brazil football friendly
All eyes are on conservative Qatar, which is bidding for the 2022 World Cup, to see how it handles the upcoming England vs. Brazil football friendly, with residents alternately excited and anxious about the influx of potentially rowdy football fans.
Latin America: The Rapid Spread of Desertification
Desertification is silently but rapidly spreading around the world and Latin America is not escaping its devastating effects. While deserts are natural formations, desertification is a process of degradation of lands affected by climate change and human destruction.
Brazil: A view from slum dwellers on Rio's drugs war
In this post, we hear the views of citizen journalists from the Viva Favela project on the drug-fueled violence sweeping Rio de Janeiro's slums that they watch unfold from their doorstep.