Stories about Brazil from April, 2016
A Breakdown of the Current Version of Brazil's Cybercrimes Bill
Following criticism, the Commission made some changes to the most controversial elements of the legislation. But a battle still lies ahead.
Under Brazil's Cybercrime Bill, Social Media Sites Could Become ‘Permanent Agents of Vigilance’
"If somebody insults a politicians on a social media platform, the platform will be obligated to remove the content in a maximum of 48 hours."
#IamSyrian, a Campaign to Make Every Syrian Proud
Moustafa Jacob, a Syrian artist, used the Oscars to kick off his campaign #IamSyrian. Little did he know that this initiative would snowball to showcase international solidarity with Syrians.
Documentary Film About Brazil’s First Female Black Deputy Seeks Crowdfunding
The film’s producers launched a crowdsourcing campaign, seeking 6,000 USD to finance the production of 1,000 DVDs, which will be distributed freely in schools, universities, libraries, and cultural centers.