· December, 2012

Stories about Brazil from December, 2012

Promiscuity: The Image of Brazilian Women Abroad?

  30 December 2012

On a television program in Portugal, the president of the Portuguese Bar Association claimed "one of the things Brazil has most exported is prostitutes, among other things." Online responses have been fierce, and the polemical statement is raising questions about the images and stereotypes of Brazilian women abroad.

Copa Sudamericana Final Ends in Violence

  20 December 2012

The heated final match of the Copa Sudamericana on the 12th December 2012 at the Morumbi Stadium in São Paulo, between Brazilian team São Paulo FC and Club Atletico Tigre, from Argentina, ended unexpectedly. And violently, too. A fight between the players spilled over to the changing rooms, where the Argentinian team claims to have suffered aggression from the Military Police and São Paulo security staff.

Immigrants March for Equal Rights in Brazil

  17 December 2012

On December 2, a protest organised by foreigners residing in São Paulo took to the streets demanding full access to basic rights like health, security and decent work. The participants were Latin Americans and Africans who live in the city, and are fighting for their rights to be recognised by the Brazilian state.

Latin America: Top 5 News Stories from 2012

  13 December 2012

In World Policy Blog, Global Voices contributor Robert Valencia highlights five “top stories from 2012 that will have an impact in 2013 and beyond”: the war on drugs, Hugo Chávez's...

What is Web Mapping?

  11 December 2012

In this post we learn more about web mapping with MapBox's Ian Ward, as he explains some of the organization's recent projects and how these visualization tools are improving communication locally and globally.

‘Fuleco’ the Mascot Divides Brazil

  7 December 2012

After a public vote, it was decided that the FIFA World Cup's mascot in Brazil will be called "Fuleco". But many Brazilian internet users are now claiming it is an inappropriate choice, since fuleco in Brazilian slang also means "anus". More than 39,000 signatures have already been gathered in a petition.

Day 2 of Developing Latin America 2012

  7 December 2012

Last Sunday December 2 saw the completion of day 2 of the regional hackathon Developing Latin America 2012, organised by the Ciudadano Inteligente Foundation in eight Latin American countries. After 36 hours of intense and continuous work, the teams participating in the various headquarters began the presentations of their projects in order to later find out the jurys' decision. Here we present the winners from the different headquarters.

Winning Applications from Latin America's Biggest Hackathon

  5 December 2012

Desarrollando America Latina, a kind of World Cup for hackers in Latin America, took place this weekend in 8 countries in South and Central America. When technologists get in the room with open data and a mandate to address social problems, a lot can happen. Here are some of the winning ideas.

Brazil: Humanities Students Claim Right to Study Abroad

  4 December 2012

The announcement to exclude the humanities in the new government notice outlying the official rules for application to the federal program to send Brazilian university students abroad, Ciência Sem Fronteiras (Science Without Borders), published November 20, 2012, infuriated a number of students who have created an online campaign to reverse the decision.

Brazilian Immigration Policy Faces New Challenges

  3 December 2012

Whereas the subject has long been debated in Europe and the USA, the issue of immigration has only recently gained prominence in Brazil. This new Brazilian reality throws up a series of new challenges both for Brazilian society and the government.

Day 1 of Developing Latin America 2012

  2 December 2012

December 1 saw the start of Developing Latin America 2012 (#DAL2012). The regional hackathon organised by the Ciudadano Inteligente Foundation is being carried out in 8 Latin American countries: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Chile, Costa Rica, Mexico, Peru and Uruguay. Here we share some reports from the first day.

About our Brazil coverage

Fernanda Canofre
Fernanda Canofre is the Brazil editor. Email her story ideas or volunteer to write.