Stories about Taiwan (ROC) from March, 2012
Taiwan: Failed ‘Made in Taiwan’ Clothing Promise Disappoints
Upon its success in establishing its market, former 'Made-in-Taiwan' fashion brand, Lativ, has decided to relocate its production line overseas. Many of its supporters feel betrayed.
China, Taiwan and Hong Kong: What Story can the Number of Votes Tell?
Jimmy from Tea Leaf Nation translates the micro-blog conversation of Hong Kong Chief Executive Election. Netizens compared the number of votes needed for each region to get into leadership position...
Norway Hosts First Journalism Award for Indigenous Broadcasters
Norway is widely known for hosting the prestigious Nobel Peace Prize Awards. This month, the Scandinavian country is hosting the debut of another important yet largely unknown journalism award ceremony for the World Indigenous Television Broadcasters Network (WITBN) on March 29, 2012.
Taiwan, U.S.A: Taiwanese Pig Farmers Protest American Beef Imports
Fauna from ChinaSMACK translated mainland Chinese media report on the recent demonstration by Taiwanese pig farmers against the importation of U.S beef and mainland Chinese netizens’ response on the issue.