· April, 2010

Stories about Taiwan (ROC) from April, 2010

Taiwan: WhereCamp Taipei

  9 April 2010

Schee of Hopendata project announces on the project blog(zh) that WhereCamp Taipei is to be held on April 10th in Taipei. This is a an unofficial follow-up event of Where...

The Big Issue Hits Taiwan

  2 April 2010

Taiwan is the 9th country that publishes The Big Issue. Li Chi Zhong, the founder of Roodo Blog, introduces this model to Taiwan with a hope to develop a new type of social business. One month before publishing the first issue, bigissue.tw started its Facebook fan page to recruit volunteers. So far it has 27,000 fans.

Taiwan: “Slideophilia”

  1 April 2010

Professor Chih-Hao Tsai talks about the weird but common phenomena he observed in Taiwan:”Slideophilia“. He concludes that not only the design of a speech rooms, the video-cam that is always focusing on the slides,...