Stories about Taiwan (ROC) from December, 2006
China: Ping…ping…pfft
The earthquake near Taiwan last night which snapped six underwater internet cables, seems to have left a large part of Asia, particularly the Northeast, struggling for an internet fix. Those...
China: Nary Xmas?
A group of PhD students at several of China's biggest and best universities came together last week to release a letter calling for Chinese to boycott Christmas—a holiday they see...
Taiwan: travel 2.0
FUNCK CHEN applies the concept of web 2.0 to travel: a travel service that helps the tourists to define their own travel content and environment, etc. (zh)
Taiwan: election outcome
ESWN blogs about the gaps between public opinions and election outcomes in Taipei and Kaohsiung mayoral elections. Michael Turton picks up the discussion.
Taiwan: death penalty
Michael Turton blogs about Anmesty International's campaign to eliminate the death penalty in Taiwan with more background information.