Stories about Taiwan (ROC) from February, 2016
Hokkaido's Popular Poplar Cut Down Because of Misbehaving Tourists
The tree had increasingly become a tourist attraction in recent years, with people traveling to visit the tree to snap its picture.
Volunteer Disaster Relief Efforts Cultivate a Friendship Between Taiwanese and Japanese
"You helped us and we weren’t even your friends, so of course we came to help. Japan and Taiwan will be best friends forever."
China Won't Broadcast the Hong Kong Film Awards Because of Dystopian Nominee ‘Ten Years’
"What is so fearful about this film? The film has portrayed different thoughts and perspectives; this can be a starting point for communication and understanding."
Is Taiwan a Country, a Self-Governing Island, or a Breakaway Territory or Province of China?
The question of Taiwan's political status "is a difficult question for diplomats and journalists, and it is not an easy one even for Taiwanese."
For Mainland Chinese, Taiwan's Earthquake Relief Efforts Stand in Stark Contrast to Their Own
"So concrete, transparent and efficient."