Stories about Pakistan from May, 2011
Pakistan: Journalist Disappeared
Chowrangi reports that Journalist Syed Saleem Shahzad, correspondent of Italian news agency Adnkronos International (AKI) in Pakistan, has disappeared recently in Islamabad. In 2006 he was kidnapped by Taliban militants...
Pakistan: TEDx Karachi Inspires Pakistanis
The second TEDx Karachi event took place on the 27 May, 2011, and it included speakers like Mukhtaran Mai, Raja Sabri Khan, Fasi Zaka and Imran Khan. Pakistani netizens share their opinions about the event which inspires to 'Make the Impossible Possible'.
Pakistan: Imran Khan's Sit In Protest
XYZ at Cafe Pyala has some thoughts on the two-day sit in (dharna ) protest by Pakistani politician Imran Khan to block NATO supply routes from the Karachi port. The...
Pakistan: Is It America’s War Really?
D. Asghar reacts on the recent terrorist attack in a Pakistan naval air base by asking these questions: “Is it ‘America’s War’ really? If so then why is Pakistan facing...
Pakistan: Huge Blasts at a Naval Air Base in Karachi
A heavily guarded facility of Pakistan Navy located in Karachi has been attacked by terrorists a few hours ago and blasts and gun-fires ensued. Pakistani Twitter users were quick to spread the news and voice their reactions.
Pakistan: If Your Mosque Had WiFi!
Pakistani blogger Farrukhunplugged posts some imaginary social media conversations possible if mosques had Wifi connection.
Italy: How technology can help manage emergencies
In a crisis, how can Web 2.0 be of use to social movements and what practical help can it offer to facilitate collective action? In reality, there is no shortage of platforms which,...
Pakistan: Military Using Free Email Accounts
Osama Bin Javaid criticizes Pakistan Army's use of free email servers like Hotmail and Gmail for their official purpose and reminds that these communications can be intercepted by third parties...
Pakistan: Save The Nukes
Shahid Hassan at Teeth Maestro wonders as the US navy seals could finish their operation to kill Osama Bin Laden without challenge from Pakistani defense system, someday the nuclear arms...
Pakistan: Bin Laden's Death Transforms Local Coffee House
Sasa Milosevic reports on how the death of Osama Bin Laden in Abbottabad, Pakistan, has transformed a local coffee house into a unique press center and a vibrant online hub.
Pakistan: What Did ISI Know About Laden?
Faheem Haider at Pakistan Foreign Policy Blog questions what the Pakistani Military and Intelligence Service knew about the top terror Osama Bin Laden, who was intercepted and killed in Abbottabad,...
Pakistan: Probing Questions After Bin Laden
Three days after the assassination of Osama Bin Laden in a compound less than 2 kilometers away from the country's premier military academy, a lot of questions remain unanswered. As the world media continues to criticize and demand answers from Pakistani authorities, Pakistanis have also raised similar questions and continue to discuss possible scenarios.
Pakistan: Osama’s Death – Different Perspectives
The news of the death of Osama Bin Laden is still creating commotion in world media and especially in social media. Aamir Raz Soomro from Karachi brings to us some different perspectives on how Pakistanis on social media reacted to this eventful news.
Pakistan: Reactions on the Death of Osama Bin Laden
Long before US president Obama's speech, the news leaked onto Twitter that Osama Bin Laden had been killed and the news media jumped on the story. Soon the Twittersphere started to explode with tweets from all over the world. In fact, the initial reactions from Pakistanis on Twitter started pouring in during the raid on Bin Laden's hideout.
Pakistan: Live-Tweeting Osama Bin Laden's Death from Abbottabad
Saudi terror mastermind Osama bin Laden's life was snuffed out when a CIA-led team raided a compound in Abbottabad, Pakistan. One Twitter user, Sohaib Athar, who tweets as @ReallyVirtual, reportedly tweeted the raid, and his reactions so far. Here's his timeline.