Stories about Pakistan from December, 2007
Arabeyes: Sad for Bhutto
News of the murder of former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto was received with shock across the Middle East. Bloggers reacted in awe, shock, anger and submission to the hopelessness of the human race.
Bahrain: Bhutto – Martyr of Freedom
Bahraini blogger Hayat (Ar) describes assassinated former Pakistani Prime Minister Benazir Bhutto as the ‘martyr of freedom.’
Dominica: Bhutto's Son
Living Dominica is touched by the words of Benazir Bhutto's son and wonders “what the world would be like today if American leaders had spoken words like this in the...
Pakistan: Benazir Bhutto's legacy
The news of Benazir Bhutto's death seems to have finally settled in. Bloggers are now focusing their attention on what Bhutto's legacy might be. Bhutto comes from a powerful family...
Egypt: Bidding Farewell to Bhutto
Egyptian bloggers couldn't stop themselves from writing about the assassination of one of the bravest women in the Muslim world, and may be the whole world. Carmen – Diasporic Discontents...
Poland: Bhutto's Tractor Scam
the beatroot writes about a 1990s Polish-made Ursus tractors scam, in which Benazir Bhutto was allegedly involved: “Benazir had launched the Awami Tractor Scheme for the welfare of poor farmers...
Puerto Rico: Prayer for Bhutto
“What a great lost to the world is the assassination of this heroic woman who sought only to bring peace to her people”: The Voice of the Taino People calls...
Morocco: Shock at Benazir Bhutto's Death
Following yesterday's news of Benazir Bhutto's assassination, Moroccan bloggers react to the tragedy. Jillian York and Lydia Beyoud sum up a spate of reactions from the Anglophone and Francophone blogoma.
Iran:Extremist forces and the assassination of Bhutto
Pouya says[Fa] that extremist and fundamentalist forces are the real “winners” of the assassination of Benazir Bhutto.Iranian blogger adds the fundamentalists need chaos in society to push their agenda.
Brazil: A visit to Pakistan
On Benazir Bhutto's death, Leonardo Sakamoto [pt] leaves the factual news to the newspapers and publishes links to his personal accounts of Pakistan, a country which he visited to see...
Barbados, Pakistan: What Now?
“I wonder what implications this tragic act will have for upcoming elections in Pakistan, as well as for the relations between the United States and the nuclear-armed nation”: Cheese-on-bread! speculates...
Pakistan: Why Bhutto, and what now for Pakistan?
More reactions are pouring out in the Pakistani blogosphere and elsewhere as it settles in that a very strong and capable leader is no more. Some bloggers are concerned about...
Venezuela: Lesson to Be Learned from Bhutto
Daniel from Venezuela News and Views says that there is a lesson in leadership to be learned from Benzir Bhutto.
Pakistan: Bhutto's Death and Impending Elections
Still reeling with the shock, The Emergency Times, which has kept a very close eye on the unfolding political situation in Pakistan, writes At this tragic moment in the history...
Lusosphere: On Benazir Bhutto's death
Denise Arcoverde [pt] was shocked to learn about Benazir Bhutto's death. “Bonazir was such a brilliant and courageous women who knew very well the risk she run, and who was...
Brunei: Prayers for Bhutto
Maurina in Brunei urges readers to “recite the Al Fatihah for someone who, despite everything, was one of the world’s strongest women of our time, Benazir Bhutto.”
Special Coverage: The assassination of Benazir Bhutto
Given the volume of commentary from bloggers throughout the world about the assassination of ex-prime minister of Pakistan, Benazir Bhutto, earlier today in Rawalpindi, we have set up a Special Coverage page aggregating some of the reactions from Pakistan and other parts of south Asia, as well as our own coverage here on Global Voices. Visit the special coverage page for regular updates.
Puerto Rico, Trinidad & Tobago, Pakistan: RIP Bhutto
“Benazir Bhutto was for me an inspiration. She was fierce. She was bold. She was beautiful and smart and fearless”: Puerto Rican born blogger Liza Sabater recognizes Bhutto as a...
Singapore: Remembering Bhutto remembers attending a lecture by Benazir Bhutto. “Assassination news is always shocking, and for some reason even more so when you've seen the person in question.”
Pakistan: Reactions to Bhutto's death
Benazir Bhutto's death has come as a shock to many of the bloggers writing from and about Pakistan. While Bhutto's politics may be controversial, her assasinaton comes at a time...
RIP: Benazir Bhutto of Pakistan
Pakistan's Benazir Bhutto (54) was assassinated in Rawalpindi earlier today at a political rally. Ironically according to media reports Rawalpindi is one of the most secure cities in Pakistan and...