· August, 2011

Stories about Pakistan from August, 2011

Pakistan: Praying For Shahbaz Taseer

  28 August 2011

Shahbaz Taseer, the son of slain Punjab Governor Salman Taseer, was kidnapped in the broad day light in Lahore. Many Pakistani netizens are sharing their shock and are joining in prayers for his return; but one wonders, will prayers work for the young Taseer?

Pakistan: Education, The Last Hope

  25 August 2011

As the socio-political crisis in Pakistan gets out of hand, emphasis on education is being stressed by civil society. This push mainly is due to the hope that maybe, just maybe, education might be the key to bringing stability amidst the unsettling internal civil war that Pakistanis face on a daily basis.

Pakistan: Islamic Televangelist Caught Out by Behind-the-Scenes Video

  22 August 2011

Dr. Amir Liaquat Hussain, a Pakistani Islamic televangelist and host of numerous religious shows, has been criticized after a behind-the-scenes video was released. The video depicted Dr. Amir, a notable religious scholar who otherwise poses as a humble, moral man, uttering abuse and profanities as well as religious blasphemy.

Pakistan: Celebrating Independence Day

  15 August 2011

This year, on August 14, Pakistan's Independence Day was celebrated with jubilation not only in the streets but also in the blogosphere. Netizens posted about Pakistan, praying for its prosperity and success.

Pakistan: Netizens Protest Moral Policing On Art Curator

  14 August 2011

A few days ago police stormed into Nairang Art Gallery in Lahore. The raid was carried out on the pretext that the female curator of the gallery was wearing a sleeveless shirt and was intermingling with other men, something quite contrary to the views held by the conservatives here and thus fringing upon obscenity.

Pakistan: Generals And Democracy

  1 August 2011

Habib R. Sulemani opines that in Pakistan the military is calling the shots no matter who is in power in the country. He also opines that: “Members of the parliament...