· May, 2008

Stories about Singapore from May, 2008

Malaysia loses to Singapore on island dispute

  24 May 2008

The International Court of Justice has ruled in favor of Singapore in its 29-year dispute with Malaysia over a tiny uninhabited island. Blogger saif2020 comments: “So, Singapore gets the prize...

Southeast Asia: Coping with the rice and food crisis

  21 May 2008

Food prices continue to rise in the world market. Southeast Asian governments are now re-examining their food and agricultural policies in order to prevent consumer panic and social unrest. Bloggers are discussing the food crisis and its impact in the region.

Film censorship in Singapore

  19 May 2008

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly writes about efforts of the Singapore government to disrupt and stop the screening of a film about former Singapore leader Lee Kuan Yew.