Stories about Singapore from May, 2013
Kindness Mascot Gives Up on Singapore
Singa, Singapore’s courtesy lion and then mascot for kindness since 1982 has resigned. Complaining against an “increasingly angry and disagreeable society” the lion felt it’s time to take a break. Apparently, Singa even submitted a resignation letter to the Singapore Kindness Movement which went viral online
“Lift your Skirt, Save a Life” Cervical Cancer Ad Divides Singapore
To remind Singapore women about the free Pap smear screenings this month and to promote awareness about cervical cancer, the Singapore Cancer Society came out with a “Lift your skirt. Save a life” ad which sparked a lively discussion on whether it was creative, effective, or offensive.
Blogshops are Popular in Singapore
Lucas Chua writes about the blogshop phenomenon in Singapore. A blogshop is an online fashion store that uses a blog. In Singapore, four of the country’s ten most-searched stores are...
Singapore’s May Day Protest Against Population Policy
An estimated crowd of 5,000 gathered in Singapore’s Hong Lim Park on May 1, 2013 to protest the government’s White Paper on population. The May Day protest was the second time that a big crowd gathered in the park to speak out against the population program.
PHOTOS: Thousands of Workers March for Rights across Southeast Asia
Global Voices reviews the May 1 Labor Day protests in Cambodia, Philippines, Indonesia, and Singapore. The rallies, which were organized to echo the various demands of workers and advocacy groups, were relatively peaceful across the region.
No Taxis for the Blind in Singapore?
A visually impaired lady from Singapore wrote about the lack of public awareness on the helpfulness of guide dogs as a taxi driver refused to let in her guide dog saying “Dogs...