Stories about Singapore from July, 2013
An Undeniably Racist Song, ‘Asian Girlz’ Sparks Controversy
Packed with Asian stereotypes and fetishes, song ‘Asian Girlz’ by ‘Day Above Ground’ has invited controversy and angry comments. Blogger Angry Asian Man typed down the entire lyrics to comment [if they have not]...
INFOGRAPHIC: Singapore Waste Statistics
According to Singapore's National Environment Agency, every person in Singapore generated 1,370 kg of waste in 2012. About 60 percent of the waste were recycled and 40 percent were disposed...
Vincent Wijeysingha: Singapore’s First Gay Politician
On his Facebook he wrote: I am going to Pink Dot tomorrow. And yes, I am gay.
Riau, Indonesia: ‘Ground Zero’ of Southeast Asia Haze
The deadly haze which swept Singapore and some parts of Malaysia this year was caused by the forest fires in Riau, Indonesia. Naturally, it attracted significant mainstream media attention but there was scant reporting on the situation of Riau citizens who have tremendously suffered and are still suffering from the impact of both the haze and forest fires.