· December, 2005

Stories about Singapore from December, 2005

Singapore: Symbols

22 December 2005

Yawning Bread tells the stories behind Singapore's national symbols, including the much-maligned merlion and the Vanda Miss Joaquim orchid.

Singapore: Freedom is Not Free

21 December 2005

Oppositionist politician Goh Meng Seng on his blog Singapore Alternatives writes about the price of freedom: “Freedom is not free. And most importantly, freedom has the element of free ridership...

Singapore: Drug Laws

15 December 2005

Little Boy from the Heartlands asks if Singapore's stringent drug laws should be changed.

Philippines, Singapore: Blog Race

  13 December 2005

theory.isthereason follows the race between Singapore's sexy celeblogger Xiaxue and not-as-sexy Mr. Brown for the title of Best Asian Blog: “While such blog awards help us recognize the most popular...

Singapore: Condolences

8 December 2005

Mr. Brown shares his own condolences and links to posts eulogizing fellow Singapore blogger Sondra of Idle Days, who recently passed away from a rare blood disorder.

Singapore: Bloggers Beware

7 December 2005

James Gomez warns: “Expect Singapore bloggers to be the target of new legislation or rules that will govern electronic communication during the next general election.”

Singapore, Malaysia: Assessing Explusion

  2 December 2005

Rajan Rishyakaran reflects on Singapore's expulsion from Malaysia, which resulted in the city-state's independence. He concludes it was a loss to Malaysia: “Should Malaysia kept Singapore, Singapore probably wouldn’t be...

Singapore: Execution Eve

  1 December 2005

As convicted Australian drug smuggler Nguyen Van Tuong enters his last hours before his hanging, Singapore bloggers continue to write about his situation. Says Xeno Boy: It's all about face....